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Old 05-20-2011, 12:09 PM   #1
Heroes on the Water Staff
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MLPA and Fishing License

This might come of as ignorant but I am just asking the question.

If most anglers boycott buying a fishing liscense on the idea that we need to fix the MLPA problems wouldn't that force the fish and games hand to get rid of the MLPA? They would go broke awfully quick if even for a few months in the new year we didn't pay the rediculous prices to fish.

Think about it. They keep raising the cost and we keep paying. Used to be us ocean guys could pay just for ocean. Now you have to pay both fresh and ocean and soon we won't be able to even fish in the ocean.

My idea is to have everyone boycott for at least a few months, even talking about it would cause some changes I bet. Most people don't fish the first of the year anyway. I am not saying we won't end up paying our fees eventually but if they took that hit and couldn't pay their bills then that is when the "blank" hits the fan.
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Old 05-20-2011, 12:30 PM   #2
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No. This is exactly what the "environmental" interest groups want. They dream of declining license sales so they can argue fishing is outmoded and can eventually be eliminated all together. They'd celebrate, and take it as a sign that they are winning.

There's a huge misconception that our enemy is the DFG. Not most of the rank and file, and definitely not the warden force. The environmental groups know it. Point the finger at Sacramento, and pump cash into the legal effort. A win in court WILL make an impression.

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Old 05-20-2011, 12:35 PM   #3
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Not sure I follow your logic. If I decide to purchase a license Jan 1 or July 1, I pay the same amount - the state still gets the same amount. I suppose if there is no income from that account in the state's system, that might be a problem for them, but I doubt that 4 months x $45 x 300 people protesting is much of a financial impact for the state.
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Old 05-20-2011, 12:53 PM   #4
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I think the main problem we have is that we are fighting against something we will have a hard time overcoming. We are lobbing rocks at a castle! They have tons of money and connections. WE need to bring the fight and our enemies to us, have them ask us for the solutions. WE all need to unite and then wage our war.

Basically anything to do with money is on a budget. They are given budgets to hire people take care of business, educate, who knows money is used for everything. As far as businesses operate they work in Quarters so if the fist quarter shows they have little to no money coming in then they can't very well spend any money in quarter two.

It would be impossible to predict if we were causing the money loss or if they are just not having people pay for fishing licenses because there is no where to fish.

I am not saying we don't continue our court battle, or propose better alternatives to MLPA. But Money is the real #1, not families, not liesure, not health of our fish, not food.... JUST MONEY!

Right now it seems like we have a few groups fighting battles, all doing great and well but still only chipping away, becuase we have to head out to battle as opposed to them coming to us.
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Old 05-21-2011, 06:22 PM   #5
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Sorry I already took up this position from the beginning of the year and am sticking with it. I will not spend any money on fishing nor licences this includes tackle in California until the MLPA does what it is supposed to do and clean up the proposed areas and close realistic MPA's or just go away and start over. I am not lobbying for support and doubt my effort will be noticed but just like things that affect pro sports and my enjoyment of them I'll just go do something else and they will have to win me back again. I still won't watch football Baseball lost me for years back in the 90's and if basketball follows suit they will lose me as well. I won't quit fishing but I'll keep California from collecting my money to support these eco Nazi's
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Old 05-21-2011, 10:20 PM   #6
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That is my point. If we don't give them money... We know that the other side won't give them money at least not for long. Since their money will be tied up in legal fees.

I am not saying that we will not buy licenses next year eventually, you know but they are so used to getting more and more money very regularly every year. If they had to worry about their pay checks there would be some very different attitudes I bet.
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