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Old 10-21-2010, 06:08 PM   #1
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This should be all of you. I am writing a letter to congressman Duncan Hunter for a school project to try and persuade him to side with the fisherman and to support our views. I also plan to mail this letter to him. Im kinda pressed for time seeing that its due tomorrow. But what I wanted to ask you is what I should include in this letter? anyone have any information that gives us the upper hand? thanks.
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Old 10-21-2010, 06:30 PM   #2
BRTF...bought & paid...
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Might want to start with the fact that school kids are constantly bused in to these meetings and question if they are actually being told the truth about why they are there.

Having kids make diaramas during class time to demonstrate that an MPA would help save tropical coral reefs is a good start.

Or how, not only this latest meeting but others as well, when offered the truth that they were not there to save the coastline rather to end shore fishing to 3 miles out kids' responded with dismay, or when they were offered free fishing trip passes hands shot up in the air.

Maybe question why the idea of creating artificial reefs to increase marine habitat and future marine life is dismissed because they would have to wait to see the end result, yet a closure in their eyes would work, even though they would still have to wait to see the end result.

Or ask why lowering allowable daily take slot limits (Calico, Sand bass daily take is 10, YT daily take is 10) was never factored into the equation.

Ask why the WSB population has thrived and point out the success of the WSB hatcheries and inform him where the funding for that comes from.

Need more?

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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Old 10-21-2010, 06:35 PM   #3
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can you explain your first 3 paragraphs? i dont quite understand the wording. and yes the more the merrier
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Old 10-21-2010, 07:37 PM   #4
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Question why school children are being bused in and if they are actually being told why they are there - who pays for them to be bused in, and are the parents aware of what is going on?
If my son goes on a field trip, it is explained.
Are these parents aware the purpose of them being there?
Is the whole process explained to them, without bias? Are they told both sides of the story and do they have both sides explained to them? Is anyone explaining the purpose of them being there, or is the whole purpose of them being there to receive a good grade, maybe extra credit?

When these kids presented their diaramas (probably the best diaramas allowed them to speak), they commented on how an MPA would save tropical coral, and it is on record them saying how coral thrives...in shallow tropical waters. I had 2 5th graders that knew where shallow coral could be found.

Skip 3rd paragraph, head to 4th or 5th, time for you to do research, the answers are there. Hint - a man-made reef was just evaluated of San O...look it up.

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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Old 10-21-2010, 07:51 PM   #5
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alright thanks a ton. time to start puttin this letter together.
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:02 PM   #6
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Don't think that duncan jr could do much even if he decided to care. It's a state policy and not a federal one. You could instead write state legislators/officials now and then again after the new ones are sworn in next year.

Let us know if he responds though.
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Old 10-21-2010, 10:02 PM   #7
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Tell me what you think

The Honorable Duncan Hunter
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Duncan Hunter:

There is a great problem going on within the courtrooms and just offshore our coast. Groups who support the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) have proposed maps that cite possible areas that are up for closure to fishing including the local kelp beds at La Jolla and Point Loma. These closures are unnecessary, take away income from the state and take away freedom from the fisherman.
The MLPA wants to create Marine Protected Areas (MPA’s) to increase fish population and marine plant life. Although this is a noble idea, the methods they are using to enforce this idea are not. Stopping recreational and commercial fishing in these areas will fix the problem but there are better alternatives. A few of these alternatives are creating artificial reefs and imposing slot limits. The reason why the MLPA won’t do this is because they believe that they would have to wait to see the results, but even if MPA’s were created, the MLPA would still have to wait to see results even though they do not believe so.
Artificial reefs have worked in the past and there is no reason why they won’t work again. An example exists halfway between San Diego and Los Angeles. The San Onofre artificial reef was created in the summer of 2008 and just two short years later it is already flourishing. So I ask you, why not make another one? Granted it is expensive but in the long run will be cheaper than closing areas to fishing. There is a one time cost to creating a reef but reoccurring costs to keeping an area closed to fishing. Where is the money going to come from to pay the extra wardens that The Department of Fish and Game (DFG) is going to have to hire to enforce the closures? I for one will refuse to the point of moving to another state if I am asked to pay taxes to support a cause that I take no stake in whatsoever.
Don’t be fooled by the supporters of the MLPA. They are using shameful tactics to try and get their way. There have been several meetings about this topic where people can voice their concerns. Elementary school children are being dragged into the debate by taking “field trips” to these meetings. In the days leading up the field trip they listen to one sided lectures and then make dioramas demonstrating what they learned. Kids even spoke out how fishing was bad (based on the bias lectures told to them) but later on when asked by a speaker if anyone wanted tickets to go on a free fishing trip, everyone’s hand shot right up into the air. This is proof that they really do not understand what is happening and are just saying what they have been told to say by the lying conservationists.
Thank you for reading my letter and if you agree with my thoughts and ideas please write me a response. I am a part of two online fishing communities who are creating a list of politicians to vote for in the upcoming elections that support our cause. A list is also being made of the politicians who are with the MLPA and will not be receiving our votes. It would be a privilege to be able to add you to the first list. Once again Thank you and I hope to here from you in the near future.
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Old 10-21-2010, 10:54 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by m1k3midg3 View Post
This should be all of you. I am writing a letter to congressman Duncan Hunter for a school project to try and persuade him to side with the fisherman and to support our views. I also plan to mail this letter to him. Im kinda pressed for time seeing that its due tomorrow. But what I wanted to ask you is what I should include in this letter? anyone have any information that gives us the upper hand? thanks.
write on the letter... but make sure at the end it says "I hate the MLPA I hope youll do the right thing"

Then put $100

"P.s. there is more where this came from "

Thats typically how you get any politicians attention
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