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Old 09-09-2009, 11:56 PM   #1
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Just got home from this evening's South Coast RSG meeting at the LAX Sheraton Gateway. Hardcopy maps will be available for review at about 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. Unfortunately, tonight there were no maps to copy or photograph. There are three remaining proposals:

Lapis 1 is now the "Work Group 3 Proposal" being pushed forward by the enviros. It's still very onerous and closes off big areas to recreational fishing. Some areas fared a little better, some much worse. This proposal really hurts the kayak angler.

External A is now the "Work Group 2 Proposal". This one is the most kayak fishing friendly. This proposal provides better and safer access and doesn't push kayakers too far offshore or into exposed areas.

The "Work Group 1 Proposal" was unfinished and seemed to take ideas from several previous proposals, including Topaz. The LJ area was not completed and is expected to be finalized sometime tomorrow.

These were only "draft" presentations and maps could literally change with the stroke of a pen. Attending tomorrow's meeting will be critical!
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Old 09-10-2009, 10:09 AM   #2
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here's a link to the new maps. not great quality but they are readable.


WG1 seems to look bes for LJ at this point. Not sure if WG2 is even finished with San Diego yet.
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Old 09-10-2009, 10:50 AM   #3
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Those maps are hard to read. WG 2 has the lightest impact - no additional closures at all.

In the LJ area:

WG1 - reserve and SMCA at south LJ. Plus a big reserve at N Pt Loma. Can you say compaction? This group is not done; still arguing over north SD county.

WG2 - existing closure only at LJ. SAT guidelines met with north Pt Loma reserve

WG3 - closes south LJ thru Crystal Pier. No closure at Pt Loma. Enlarges existing LJ closures enlarged, bait only at the pier.
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Old 09-10-2009, 11:25 AM   #4
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Let's hope the voices of reason and sanity are heard and WG 2 gets the vote!!

Work is killing me sorry guys and gals! Thank you for helping out and putting forth the effort for today's meeting!
Thanks Matt F.
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Old 09-10-2009, 02:07 PM   #5
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I think the meeting went well today. Great representation from the kayakers! Map 2 seemed to have the most interest and support from the crowd. Fishermen outnumbered the enviros.

Good to see everyone there who was able to make it.
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Old 09-10-2009, 02:53 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by PAL View Post
Those maps are hard to read. WG 2 has the lightest impact - no additional closures at all.
WG2 looks very good compared to the others, what's the odds that we can get the BRTF to accept that one?

To all that were there today.. Thanks!!!

I had a meeting this morning that I had to go to, but I called a friend that was there and he said you guys were thick as macks on chumline

Thanks again!!

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Old 09-10-2009, 04:21 PM   #7
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The kayakers and spearfishers were represented with decent numbers. Thanks to everyone who came out. But where are the pb'ers? I guess they don't care?

Last edited by Corey; 09-10-2009 at 05:42 PM.
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Old 09-10-2009, 05:39 PM   #8
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We kayakers showed up in decent numbers. Not the best we've done though. Thanks to everyone that did make it. Huge thanks to those that donated their time to me so I could get through a longer presentation. It's tough to drive all that way and give your time to someone else so I really appreciated it.

October 20-22 we need a better turnout. This is the most important meeting yet. This is where things really hit the fan. The BRTF will most likely combine the maps to come up with what they really want. How that goes is up in the air. Our input can help. There will be at least one public comment session, maybe two.

I hope they schedule at least one of those at a reasonable time for working people. You can email and ask for just that here:


Any messages made now should not be addressed to the RSG members. Their work is finishing up today if all goes as planned. Now is the time to direct comments to the BRTF about which map is best, or which areas should remain open. The maps should be made available soon.

It is getting old seeing the same people at these meetings. We need new faces. Many of the MLPA staff are on a first name basis with some of us. We need to do better. We sound like the same small bunch of whiney fishermen similar to the crazy laguna ladies. It is hard to say there are thousands of us, when only the same handful show up everytime. Where was everyone that attended the great rallies over the last weekend? It's easy to make a statement when it doesn't matter as much. Driving around with your buddies for a few hours with signs on your boat and having a bbq afterwards is fun, but the real differences being made in this struggle are in hotel ballrooms at the actual meetings.

For those that say public comment hasn't helped, look at what has become of the maps. Many are still very ugly, but key concessions have been made in areas that we complained the most about. Most notably La Jolla.
MLPA, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem

Let the Fish and Game Commission know what you think about the proposed maps.

Be ready for December 9th and 10th.

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Old 09-10-2009, 06:02 PM   #9
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Thanks to those that made it this morning (major pain in the ass to get up that early to drive to the armpit of california).

Major props to Tyler, who (imho) has been a key player in all of this.. on all of your behalfs.. It's the guys like this who are making an impact by putting in the time to become knowledgeable wiht this process, the maps etc, in order to make effective commetns and recommendations at these meetings. So my many thanks...

My other opinion is that the turnout was pretty weak. I honestly thought the presence at this meeting would trump the last one, and well, it didn't : (

This is not over. There are still efforts that can be made, and as Tyler mentioned, there will still be meetings where our presence is a must! The accomplishments that have been made so far by those involved should be motivation enough that we can continue to positively influence this in our favor.. its our only hope. If you are not sure what you can do, reach out to others here that will be happy to point you in the right direction. I will be the first to admit that I am no expert in these matters. There are plenty of guys who are generous enough to clue you in on the important stuff, and what you and I can do to help.
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Old 09-10-2009, 06:03 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Corey View Post
The kayakers and spearfishers were represented with decent numbers. Thanks to everyone who came out. But where are the pb'ers? I guess they don't care?

I think since day one in the Allcoast and BD Pbr community there has been a vocal group of posters who have been saying the fix is in and there is not point in trying to work within the process. I'd disagree with that but it's prevalent on those boards. There were also some who said that they were going to just stop this whole thing in it's tracks with lawsuits etc...That has not worked. Essentially there's kind of defeatist mentality that has set in and limited participation of some in the boating community. Though there are some that have participated and worked very hard for our rights, there are others are just disenfranchised, no longer interested, and no longer involved.

It's not like they do not care, more like they are burnt out, and feel they can't make a difference.

I think the kayak community got in later and had a more practical approach to the process. We certainly have not won yet, but I believe we have made a big difference and its not over either.


Last edited by Fiskadoro; 09-10-2009 at 06:16 PM.
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Old 09-10-2009, 06:04 PM   #11
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Tyler's Post says it all.

First name basis with the BRTF and I Team. Its soo true its scary.
-Just ask Martin T Man what happened this morning. I had called him from the road on the way to LA and asked him to submit my speaker card.
When He handed it to Kelly she said,
"Martin, you can do that for Bill. :0 "
Holy Crap She Knows our Kids Names at this point.

Where were all the BBQ'ers from the Tow-Your-Boat-Rally ???
When it comes to doing The Heavy Lifting I don't mind Fighting the Fight, but those guys could have accomplished much more with a simple trip to Today's Meeting.
- I was done with the meeting and back Home in San Diego at 12:30 Today.

There are No Laurels to Rest On! Please Do Not Get a False Sense of Security. This Nightmare is Far From Over.

Last edited by Billy V; 09-10-2009 at 06:15 PM.
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Old 09-10-2009, 06:46 PM   #12
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I find it sad that there is not a larger contingency from our boating community and I'm going to do my best to enter their world and try to build an alliance with us kayakers. I traveled by myself today and shame on me; next time I will fill my truck with boaters, wives, kids, or anyone else wiling to come. My wife would probably be willing to get up there and beg that our fishing areas stay open in order for me to go fishing and get out of her hair for a day

I saw just as much complacency from tackle shops when I dropped flyers off at over the weekend. Several of them had nothing posted at all. I asked one guy if he wanted information and his response was "I guess so" sheez. I bet when I make my rounds this weekend those same shops will be status quo.

When our mountain bike club was fighting to keep trails open for us mean and nasty MTB'rs, we aligned with all the other users, equestrian, offroad, etc; that's when we finally beat those tree huggers.

Has anyone contacted some of our major sporting companies? You would think they have a vested interest in what happens too.

I may have another week off as I get through my knee surgery so I will contact some of them for a response.

I ceded my time today, next time, I will speak so they see a new and ugly mug before them.
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Old 09-10-2009, 06:51 PM   #13
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forgot to mention

I was one of those caravaners at the Orange County rally and I saw several of the guys at the meeting today, so we're not all bad.

Several people along along our path asked me for information and I gladly gave them a flier; every little bit helps
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Old 09-10-2009, 07:14 PM   #14
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To all of you who mad the meeting today, Thanks for representing!!
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Old 09-10-2009, 07:47 PM   #15
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We cannot give up, we can not stop. We have no laurels to rest on because this is not over, and anything can still happen. We have to become more involved. Only the October meeting left, then the December final decision.

Just heard...
north LJ is not on any map now, this can all change again in October.

The group 3 map expands the current reserve all the way to the pier, and literally right at the pier another reserve that goes north and only allows baitfish. This reserve goes until north of the road at blacks. Exact boundries I am not sure of. This ruins the best halibut spots, and some yellow tail spots.

Bad news, the BRTF can do whatever they want in October when they combine the maps, including adding closures where no map has them, like north LJ. We need to make sure this doesn't happen.

Anglers in general need to turn out huge. The maps are bad for us in general.
MLPA, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem

Let the Fish and Game Commission know what you think about the proposed maps.

Be ready for December 9th and 10th.

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Old 09-10-2009, 10:01 PM   #16
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I couldnt believe the old laguna lady that said her husband is a kayak fisherman and he will just paddle through the MPA so go ahead and close laguna.

I bet with as old as that woman was, that her husband wont be paddling 3 miles offshore to fish.

And the kid that said he doesnt want the ocean to run out of fish? Where do these people come from? Today really opened my eyes to what a difference a few intelligent comments can make. I'll do my best to be at the next meeting as well.
Tight Lines
HJL "LipYanker"
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Old 09-10-2009, 11:08 PM   #17
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We did have attendance of those from the caravan but just not enough. Mikeylikesit and I spearheaded the caravan events last weekend and had Dean (Bank Robber in LA) and Bobby in OC lead their local caravan. Paul Romanowski helped as well. We were all there at the mtg. today. Paul spoke and I spoke. Mikey ceded his time to me. Yes, the personal boaters just don't seem to be so concerned and attendance was poor. It is very frustrating to see such a lack of committment when we have such large numbers of members on the boards. I was very proud of the kayakers showing in numbers to represent! I know many are burnt out with this whole process but we need to stick it out.

Thanks for all who participate in this process!
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Old 09-11-2009, 07:57 AM   #18
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All that you read is true, we need more presence...getting down to crunch time.

Baytubers showed up in force, and it has gotten to the point that they know us by name. I was even asked where Clay was...

Now why is that?

Is it because they are used to seeing the regular faces so much, that even Tyler got complimented on his speech, or that Mr. Ken Wiseman even said that he recognized alot of the names?

We need presence, BOTTOM LINE.

We all have plenty of time to prepare for the next meeting. Or would you rather be punked by some blue shirted environmentalist who speaks passable English at best, while he rants that the "MLPA process works"?

Or the blue clad smiley faced female that wants to preserve the 'surf grass'? Ask Kiyo on that one...

Our reps have worked their arses off for us, with no pay.

Think about that. Now think about it some more...

This is not some fly by night plan...it gets reviewed in 5 years...with no guarantees...

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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Old 09-11-2009, 09:25 AM   #19
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