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Old 02-19-2020, 11:33 AM   #1
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Fish Finder Questions (side imaging)

Hey Fellas,

Anyone successfully running side imaging on their yak? How do you like it and where do you find it most effective? Looking to outfit a new yak and curious if its work the extra couple hundred bucks.

Secondly, It seems like Lowrance units have been having some issues lately (at least the various forums for kayaking on the internet would have you believe this). I had a Humminbird on my last kayak and liked it, but I am open to other brands. Lowrance seems to be pretty popular in the kayak world, but im not sure if thats just because they were linked up with Hobie for a few years.

Any input would be appreciated

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Old 02-19-2020, 03:09 PM   #2
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Kinda depends on what you are going to use it for, and where. Probably the number one consideration, even if you love the technology, is having an appropriate place to mount the transducer. It needs a clear view out to both sides, at up to a very shallow angle to the water line. That can make it troublesome for beach launching/landing. The range for a kayak mounted system is not going to be much more that a couple hundred feet.

On the plus side, it can help you locate and mark structure features more accurately than just your basic FF. My number one use for it is finding and following bait schools that are up in the water column. That feature alone has been worth the effort I had to put in to customize a Berley Pro to fit my Trident.
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Old 02-20-2020, 08:11 AM   #3
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side imaging

the new model ocean kayak trident series have cut aways specifically to accept newer model transducers that have side imaging capability. I have had a helix 5 mounted on a model and it worked phenomenal. ironically with Johnson outdoors being the parent company of ocean kayak, you would think they would have made a bracket to mount the transducer which is not the case. I glued the transducer in place so care should always be taken when transporting or storing the kayak. currently I have an a traditional 50/200 Lowrance mounted and I would think mounting a hdi transducer would be possible with some ingenuity. it has been done before with the hobie line of kayaks that feature Lowrance ready. I also own a Hobie PA and mounting a total scan transducer is a pain free process. needless to say these kayaks and fish finder units are not cheap, and to get these options will cost you. I don't have a lot of on the water time or experience while using these features and can't really comment, but if you are fishing near shore, and or docks then I can see this being really useful. also locating fish within casting distance while off shore could be a game changer once your comfortable reading the unit.
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