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Old 05-29-2017, 08:28 PM   #41
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 83
Thanks for the tip- I think I know where that canal is -I was on the way there but it was getting late and I didn't feel like airing down (lots of washboard thru the section that looks like town dump) so I flipped it around and am here in town now. Btw hotel Refugio isn't bad 350pesos for a single room and the owner (named Refugio) has a fenced lot across the street big enough to park my truck and trailer with PA14 on it. I'm solo right now so not sure if I feel up for paddling by myself- currents look heavy (just read your account of fighting "the river" that's what it looks like now even at the Embarcadero in town) - loving your report- thanks for taking the time to post it.
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Old 05-30-2017, 06:28 AM   #42
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Thank you for your post.

Great fishing spots all around.

Perhaps later you can post information about where to stay, market, restaurant and other essential travel information.

When is the best time of the year to go?
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Old 05-30-2017, 06:50 AM   #43
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What an awesome report - cant wait to get down there with Mako Bob and the Solo skiffs this winter. Obviously high current conditions will not be an issue for us.

Just curious if you noticed any cell reception in town? Just wondering if cell phone communication via TelCell is even possible down there. That would be a bonus.

Just loving these reports - and picking up some valuable info. Never thought about the night time dew, going to have to bring the jungle hammock with its rain fly so I don't wake up soaking wet - especially if the fog rolls in.
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Old 05-30-2017, 11:34 AM   #44
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If you passed through the dump you were going the right way! 350 pesos sounds like a great deal, especially once a week for a shower!

There are some markets in town with the basics. Yes, we had cell reception in town with regular Verizon, and Telcel, also wifi in one of the main restaurants.

Not sure what the best time of year is. I think it depends on what you are after. In Jan we had beautiful weather, but I think the Sportfishing (especially outside the bay) is probably better in the hot months. This was my first trip here, so...?
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Old 05-31-2017, 03:32 PM   #45
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Ok I did find your spot- or close to it. There's a smaller launch spot just to the north of where you guys were at.

But, dang the tide is sooo low in the morning. It would have been almost a quarter mile of mud walking to get to water- there were guys out there walking calf deep harvesting clams or something. So I passed.

I ended up fishing the end of that canal you were talking about- there were those same mangrove jacks you were catching in there- mean little fish, fun to catch.

I ended up bailing further south to La Ventana and am currently at my friend's place and will be on a five day live-aboard trip with some of his clients (he runs a spearfishing/fishing resort here in town).

What I learned from my experience both at Estero Coyote and Mag Bay is that you need to time your trip with tides that will allow you to launch and fish during the best part of the day. I just loaded up and "went for it" and I pretty much got shut down.

Higher tide was later in the day and by then it was crazy windy- and the way the water moves during the big tide changes is something to be seen- it's a river in some spots.

After this boat trip I'm heading back north- I looked at the tide charts and I think it's going to be much better for me- so I'm going to hit Campo Rene/Estero Coyote again for a couple of days. For me, being solo, Estero Coyote is a much more user friendly set up (toilets, showers, restaurant) I paid 150 pesos to park and camp and use their hotwater and toilet when I was there.

I'll report back if any are interested.

Oh yeah, winter time is best in southern Baja for weather. Right now it's overcast and actually cold enough to wear a jacket and sleep in a sleeping bag at Mag Bay. Here in La Ventana it's about 85 and sunny- trolled around on my PA14 today but no takers.

Thanks again for the report- love the photos... don't be afraid to throw up a couple more if you've got the time!
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Old 05-31-2017, 05:57 PM   #46
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Thank you for your post. Any pictures?

Any information that is provided, is valuable in my book.

Please keep them coming? and how are you doing it? There must be internet service there.
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Old 06-01-2017, 02:52 PM   #47
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Brew and CON KSO, nice posts, GREAT TRIP reports. We plan on leaving 26 December and returning 6-7 Jan 2018. All your information is really appreciated, Kai and I will also share gps locations with others. Not much posted information so yes, hotel, camping and restaurant info ALL good material, again thanks for taking the time to post. Tight Lines, BTW anyone wishing to join us for OUR Dec-Jan trip let me know. We do have a thread going for this trip.

Home 760-630-4470
Cell 760-520-2514

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