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Old 09-04-2013, 07:15 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Saba Slayer View Post
You didn't miss anything...my kayak ran great...I made a bunch of squid that will be Calamari dinner tonight...one huge Bat Ray a couple of nice Sandies, a few Bonito and No big fat butts !
I take it you didn't get very far south from MDR?
Jim / Saba Slayer

I found squid north in the buoys. Couldn't miss them: birds and marks. When I stopped there I started to realize I was in trouble.

Kinda weird though, the squid were small, not mature and all suspended from 20 to 40 feet. Underneath them were tiny 2 to 3 inch lizards. I made a dozen squid but was getting micro lizards four and five at a time on the Sabiki.
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Old 09-04-2013, 07:58 PM   #22
Dim Jay
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Originally Posted by jorluivil View Post
Here's what I think happened

A radiation burn is damage to the skin or other biological tissue caused by exposure to radiation. The radiation types of greatest concern are thermal radiation, radio frequency energy, ultraviolet light and ionizing radiation.
Normally I like to stay out of these controversial and heated discussions, but your quote caught my eye, so I'll give my take on the whole thing.

There are only 2 possible scenarios that can happen because of this radiation crisis:

1) The Sky is truly falling, radiation is real, and we will all be dead or mutated within a few years if we don't get this radiation leak, or the ensuing radiation plume under control. Your only option now is to try to somehow start building up a tolerance to the Cesium. I have known this leak was coming since 1992, so I have been taking small cesium doses everyday to build up a tolerance.

2) You can try to convince yourself that the sky is not falling (even though it really is), and when the world ends, you might finally change your ill-informed opinion, and you will wish you weren't so hard headed. At that point it won't really matter though, because you will be dead.

Any Yellowtail Tuna or Albacores that we catch off of the kelp paddies in La Jolla will have trace amount of radiation. You are in denial if you won’t admit that.

Just my take.

Last edited by Dim Jay; 09-04-2013 at 08:06 PM. Reason: Consistency
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Old 09-04-2013, 08:02 PM   #23
Bubble Boy
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Originally Posted by Dim Jay View Post

Any Yellowtail Tuna that we catch off of the kelp paddies in La Jolla will have trace amount of radiation. You are in denial if you won’t admit that.

Excellent point Jay!

For those of you that don't know, Jay has memorized the internet regarding this topic, and many others. I would listen to him if I were you.
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Old 09-04-2013, 08:29 PM   #24
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OMG!!! You guys are kill'n me!!!!!
There's nothing colder than yesterday's hotdog.

Last edited by ful-rac; 09-04-2013 at 08:30 PM. Reason: Just for fun
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Old 09-04-2013, 08:45 PM   #25
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bubble boy and Dim day are holding hands tiptoeing through the tulips.
Tiny Tim - Music Video - Tiptoe Through The Tulips - YouTube
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Old 09-04-2013, 09:09 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Dim Jay View Post
Normally I like to stay out of these controversial and heated discussions, but your quote caught my eye, so I'll give my take on the whole thing.

There are only 2 possible scenarios that can happen because of this radiation crisis:

1) The Sky is truly falling, radiation is real, and we will all be dead or mutated within a few years if we don't get this radiation leak, or the ensuing radiation plume under control. Your only option now is to try to somehow start building up a tolerance to the Cesium. I have known this leak was coming since 1992, so I have been taking small cesium doses everyday to build up a tolerance.

2) You can try to convince yourself that the sky is not falling (even though it really is), and when the world ends, you might finally change your ill-informed opinion, and you will wish you weren't so hard headed. At that point it won't really matter though, because you will be dead.

Any Yellowtail Tuna or Albacores that we catch off of the kelp paddies in La Jolla will have trace amount of radiation. You are in denial if you won’t admit that.

Just my take.
I wish my Bosses new about Consistency like you do in Your Edits Jay

Now I will sit back and Continue to Read all your Great Posts Word for Word.

Oh hey can you Put up one of your YT pics or maybe a Thresher pic?
I hear they are Biting!

Thx JP
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Old 09-04-2013, 09:18 PM   #27
Old Man in the Sea
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Finally a trustworthy source to settle this !

Thanks very much to Dim Jay and Bubble boy for teaming up on the solution...After the 9:06 pm edit/correction for consistency - I now think we have the best 2 probable root causes. That is provided that the rope thingy Stinky Matt mentioned was in fact utilized in the earlier attempts. Thanks Driftwood for providing a copy of the theme song used during the brain storming session...
This thread can be closed now...and we can go back to fishing
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Old 09-05-2013, 12:12 AM   #28
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Trace the problem...

Engines need three things
1) Air/compression
2) Fuel
3) Spark

Air is never the issue, so start at spark. Compression can obviously be an issue but it would be more pronounced symptoms.

Pull the spark plug wires and put it up against your wrist. Fire the engine. Did you get a little shock on all of them? Yes? Good sign. No? Work your way back from the engine to the battery. Everything working ok? Move to check fuel.

I'm not familiar with your setup, but if it's an outboard, you have a fuel cell, right? On that fuel cell should be an inline priming bulb? I'm sure that this isn't info you don't already know, but that priming bulb should be nice and firm. After your engine dies, if that priming bulb gets soft, you can start tracking the issue.

I think the clogged fuel intake is a spot on guess. Check the filter/coalescer depending on your set up. Injectors may be clogged too. Depends on the age and how you service your engine.

I'm sure it's nothing major. Bad fuel is a good guess too. Accidentally get diesel? Maybe there was condensation in the fuel cell? The recent heat wave can cause water to build up inside your cell/tank and depending where your pickup tube is placed you could be picking up diluted fuel.

Last edited by Drake; 09-05-2013 at 12:18 AM.
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Old 09-05-2013, 02:45 AM   #29
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So the truth comes out....

"History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man."

It took a while but I did some research and have found out the devastating truth behind this seemingly innocuous disaster.

Months ago a lowly French cargo carrier in route to the US from China stopped at Hisanohama harbor and unloaded part of it's cargo: 300 tons of white rubber DEVO signature suits and color matched knockoff 3M respirators to a grateful crowd of "technicians" intent on saving the world, or at the very least stopping the recent growing trend of glow in the dark bikini swimwear that was then the latest craze on Eastern Japans beaches. To compensate for the loss of cargo weight they sucked up 300 tons of bilge water to stabilize the ship. During the next six months, the Piper Maru got lost in storm, found a ancient US aircraft from world war two, circumvented Hawaii three times, the Captain went blind and coarse hair grew on the first mates palms.

It was almost by chance they found their intended destination the beautiful arches of that Golden Gate Bridge as they crossed into San Francisco Bay where they unloaded the precious cargo of bootleg DVDs, and Dyneema line cleverly labeled as Power Pro Spectra. With new found hope and the help of a new GPS fishfinder combo they purchased at West Marine (with extended warranty) they snaked their way through the Bay, up the San Joaquin through the myriad of convoluted channels to the docks of Penny Newman Grain in Stockton California. Where the dumped their bilge water and took on a load of Red winter wheat, No2 Barley and White oats.

At that exact moment I was crossing the San Joaquin river in Stockton on the 5 headed for Ephemerisle, a "floating celebration of community, learning, art", where participants construct a floating city on the Sacramento River Delta and live on it for five days. Or more direct a huge hippie Boat party. I'm not a Hippie but I build boats, enjoy a cold 12 pack, and have no problems with watching Nubile 20 somethings swimming topless in lace underwear. They needed my help building, and needed my skiff to move materials and provide logistical support (beer runs) and I was in search of stripers and a good time.

I had no knowledge of the Piper Maru. All I knew was that the cheapest location for fuel in Stockton was the Arco on West Freemont directly across the river from Newman Grain. I purchased 30 gallons of fuel there. Filing my tank, my 2hp Honda, and a couple of 5 gallon poly fuel cans totally unaware that I'd taken on a ticking Japanese nuclear time bomb.

The event went great, the beer if not cold was still good, whiskey flowwed and the women were friendly, gorgeous, gregarious, forthcoming, and accommodating. It was unbelievably awesome in general.

45 days later I now know the hidden terror that lurked in the shadows behind the shiny lights and skimpy costumes. A veritable demon with the ability to change chemical compounds and increase decrepitude lurked in my various fuel systems.

Yes... I was wrong. We are not out of the range of Fukashima. I don't know the exact mechanism involved, perhaps the ARCO tanks absorbed some of that tainted bilge water from the river, perhaps trace airborne amounts made it into my tanks vent hole, but Fukashima got me.

Don't believe me? You say you need proof? BS without pics or extended peer reviewed evidence. Well my friends I HAVE JUST THE EVIDENCE YOU ARE ASKING FOR!!!!

Behold two beakers:

Now that's not a scene from Breaking Bad, that's two containers of fuel. The one on the left is 3 month old gas out of my R65 BMW that I need to make a new drive shaft for, and the one on the right is the 45 day old Fukashima contaminated Fuel I pulled out of my two month old 2hp Honda kicker. The fuel in my main tank tank doesn't look that bad as it's been diluted numerous times but it still had a unnatural nuclear orange yellow tint to it, and now has to be discarded. Like Roy Batty I'm now the victim of accelerated decrepitude of precious fluids do to a unnatural man made phenomena.

Out of MDR bravely fighting off a huge wave of viscous lizards in search of the legendary Santa Monica Bay Calamari my boats main source of power was usurped by tainted fuel, choked down to the point it would not fire, and my kicker, my lovely, little, ultra dependable, ultra light, 4stroke, low maintenance and trouble free Honda, would not even start to save US. Yes the sky is falling and like a mighty leviathan it landed on my boats head.

Call me Ishmael.... I alone survived to tell the tale.

Let this sad tale be a lesson to all intrepid anglers and seafarers alike. No one is out of the long reach of Fukushima!!!!

"Oh, no, they say he's got to go
Go go Godzilla
Oh, no, there goes Tokyo
Go go Fukushima"

History shows again and again how nature points up the folly of man

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 09-05-2013 at 06:18 PM.
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Old 09-05-2013, 04:05 AM   #30
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So on that note

First off I want to thank everyone that actually gave me advice. It was just bad fuel like I thought. I've never seen anything like it. The Fuel in the Honda tank looked like dark orange tinted beer and even the tank in my skiff had a weird yellow orange color to it even though I figure the Stockton fuel couldn't make up more then a 1/3 of the tank.

The Honda has a a clogged carb so I'm going to have to disassemble it. I changed out the fuel filter on the Suzuki and cleaned the plugs and it fired right up on clean fuel. The plugs weren't really fouled but the did have a weird orange tint to them almost like the had been lightly sprayed with fluorescent orange spray.

Weird weird weird!!!! I've worked on vehicles and fuel systems my whole life and I have never seen anything even remotely like this.

To the guys that are having good natured fun in the thread: You guys are the best. I love this site and these boards and the positive fun spirit you bring to this site makes it one of the best on the web.
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Old 09-05-2013, 06:28 AM   #31
Saba Slayer
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High Road

"To the guys that are having good natured fun in the thread: You guys are the best. I love this site and these boards and the positive fun spirit you bring to this site makes it one of the best on the web.

...Nice...I like to take the High Road sometimes too Jim...!
Jim / Saba Slayer
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Old 09-05-2013, 07:32 AM   #32
Old Man in the Sea
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excellent job!!

Perfect now all 3 problems are solved - we finally know where the bootleg DVDs, the 2lb spectra and the tainted gas came from...
got rid of the bad gas and carb clean and we are back in the fishing business
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Old 09-05-2013, 07:35 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Fiskadoro View Post
So on that note
To the guys that are having good natured fun in the thread: You guys are the best. I love this site and these boards and the positive fun spirit you bring to this site makes it one of the best on the web.

Wow Jim! Looks like those therapy sessions at bubbleboys office are working! Beakers...really? whataya a mad scientist too!? Or ya cook'n up fresh batch a crank?
There's nothing colder than yesterday's hotdog.
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Old 09-05-2013, 12:22 PM   #34
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I'd like to hear more about this....

The event went great, the beer if not cold was still good, whiskey flowwed and the women were friendly, gorgeous, gregarious, forthcoming, and accommodating. It was unbelievably awesome in general.

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