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Old 06-16-2011, 07:33 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Posts: 60
The Obama Administration invites you to help develop a new national ocean policy

Thought some of you might like to check out these links and see what our federal government is doing on ocean management.

The National Ocean Council recently released a set of nine strategic action plan outlines focused on key priorities to further the National Ocean Policy. These outlines are now available for a 30-day public comment period at http://boxer.enews.senate.gov/mail/u...g_linkid=68935

Throughout this month, the National Ocean Council will host 12 public listening sessions around the country, including one in California. These sessions offer a forum for the public to learn about and comment on the National Ocean Policy and its action plans. For more information about these listening sessions, you can visit http://boxer.enews.senate.gov/mail/u...g_linkid=68936

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
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Old 06-16-2011, 09:04 PM   #2
Olivenhain Bob
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Sounds like a great idea. I love the term, "National Listening Sessions". I bet the listeners will have their iPods plugged in and the music at full volume while reviewing the input. You can only listen to what you can hear. In case you have not yet figured it out, I am not a big fan of anything our government has done recently, (regardless of which party has been in power).

The concept that our Government may actually want to listen to what regular citizens care about is something that I find kind of hard to believe. Maybe it will actually happen this time but I will be shocked if it does.

What will probably happen is that some big money special interest group will step in and force the agenda in a direction that will enhance their profits. That is what has happened for as long as I can remember.

How can we stop that from happening? The short answer is education. The vast majority of the people in this country are profoundly ignorant about most of the important issues that are driving what happens in our society these days. Ignorant people make bad decisions.

Step that up to the next level and we are looking at the politicians whom we elect to "represent" us. Most would agree that the majority of our so-called representatives are only representing themselves and the special interests who helped them rise to their position of power.

The pessimist in me says that the situation is hopeless and all the cards are staked against us. The revolutionist in me says that we can fight for what is right and that good will always triumph over evil.

The more reasonable expectation is probably somewhere in the middle.

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Old 06-16-2011, 09:40 PM   #3
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What Bob said....heres to the self interest politicians in office now
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Old 06-17-2011, 03:50 AM   #4
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  1. Ecosystem-Based Management: Adopt ecosystem-based management as a foundational principle for comprehensive management of the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes.
  2. Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning: Implement comprehensive, integrated, ecosystem based coastal and marine spatial planning and management in the United States.
  3. Inform Decisions and Improve Understanding: Increase knowledge to continually inform and improve management and policy decisions and the capacity to respond to change and challenges. Better educate the public through formal and informal programs about the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes.
  4. Coordinate and Support: Better coordinate and support Federal, State, tribal, local, and regional management of the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes. Improve coordination and integration across the Federal Government and, as appropriate, engage with the international community.
  5. Resiliency and Adaptation to Climate Change and Ocean Acidification: Strengthen resiliency of coastal communities and marine and Great Lakes environments and their abilities to adapt to climate change impacts and ocean acidification.
  6. Regional Ecosystem Protection and Restoration: Establish and implement an integrated ecosystem protection and restoration strategy that is science-based and aligns conservation and restoration goals at the Federal, state, tribal, local and regional levels.
  7. Water Quality and Sustainable Practices on Land: Enhance water quality in the ocean, along our coasts, and in the Great Lakes by promoting and implementing sustainable practices on land.
  8. Changing Conditions in the Arctic: Address environmental stewardship needs in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent coastal areas in the face of climate-induced and other environmental changes.
  9. Ocean, Coastal, and Great Lakes Observations, Mapping, and Infrastructure: Strengthen and integrate Federal and non-Federal ocean observing systems, sensors, data collection platforms, data management, and mapping capabilities into a national system, and integrate that system into international observation efforts.
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Old 06-17-2011, 04:21 AM   #5
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Policy Translation:
  1. Ecosystem-Based Management: Get everyone out of the ocean
  2. Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning: Coastal Fencing
  3. Inform Decisions and Improve Understanding: Total transparency=Nothing to see here. You would not understand our decisions anyway. You are a infidel waterman/fisherman!
  4. Coordinate and Support: Everyone get out of the ocean. If you enter the ocean or you flush that toilet we will arrest and fine you to pay for our efforts.
  5. Resiliency and Adaptation to Climate Change and Ocean Acidification: Stop farming, eating, and flushing.
  6. Regional Ecosystem Protection and Restoration: Establish and implement an integrated ecosystem protection and restoration strategy that is not science-based and everyone get out of the ocean
  7. Water Quality and Sustainable Practices on Land: Stop flushing your toilet and get out of the ocean
  8. Changing Conditions in the Arctic: Stop driving and heating up the world/walk, wear a parka
  9. Ocean, Coastal, and Great Lakes Observations, Mapping, and Infrastructure: Create false reports that create Federal and non-Federal ocean Big $$$$$ grants, incorrect placement of sensors, false data collection platforms, skewed data management, and mapping capabilities into a national system, and integrate that system into international observation efforts. Only grant-driven scientist who worked on global warming projects are allowed on the ocean
This is really what "they" mean!
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Old 06-17-2011, 07:23 AM   #6
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I am with "D" on this one, as a matter of fact I believe most would be,
How can we possibly have any faith that any one of the government clowns, or anything done by said clowns would ever be done properly,
legally, or for that matter, in the interest of "we the people"
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