2/18 LJ AM
Cat jumped on my head and woke me up before my 4:00am alarm, decided to get up anyway. Heard a noise that took me a while to place...rain. That was done by the time I made coffee but when I checked the gliderport it said 13/18 W. :shock: WTF! Great forecast (light winds), as always. Looked like it had been blowing since midnight. Waited a little bit and it started to tick downwards so I figured what the hell. The offshore buoys were calm so I guessed it was just the front arriving early. Got down to the shores around 5:00am to find the wind still pretty stiff from the west, short period mixed up surf with whitecaps outside. Almost put my drytop on but figured the surf was small...bad idea. Took two to the chest and over the top of the waders...great, now I'm cold and wet. Long paddle out pounding through the 1-2ft wind chop I can't see and the wind. Pass the buoy well before gray light so I figure to work the iron a bit. Nothing doing. Sun brightens the eastern sky and the bait arrives thick. Plenty of greenies from candy bar to bruiser, and some micro spanish mixed in. Drift the usual spots for nothing, freezing my nards off the whole time. Around 8:00am the wind finally lays down a bit and the sun starts breaking through. Turns into a nice morning. Still no action so I head over west of the pier to drag sand for flatness. Long slow drift from 120 to the surf line without a touch. Called it quits after that, with nothing to show but a tank full of lobster bait.