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Old 11-26-2007, 09:06 AM   #1
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Yeah, And Monkey's Will Fly Out of My Butt

East Cape, BCS, MEX: 14NOV - 21NOV07

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If I had been predicting my trip and said I would have 8 straight days of low winds and good paddling conditions, and the hotel would be almost empty, I would qualify my prediction with: "Yeah, and monkey's will fly out of my butt!"

Arrived at Punta Colorada.
Light winds, flat and hot.

While walking to my room, I missed being puked upon by 10' and maybe 3 seconds.

The culprit.

Some yaks available for rent.

Of course, given a choice, I would take the lime green one in honor of the Con Limon back home.

Launched by 0700 and paddled to the N, outside of Pta Colorada.


First fish were triggerfish.

Then a Bulls-eye puffer.

I apparently found a rock or high-spot as I had fast fishing and unfortunately I failed to take pix of 1 of 2 leopard groupers and 1 ribera cabrilla (panama graysby). Also, I am supplying this pic of a giant needlefish. Most I caught were 3-4 feet long and evil evil evil. I did not take any pix of them on the water.

12+ triggers
5 needlfish
2 leopard grouper
1 ribera cabrilla
1 bulls-eye puffer

7 miles covered

Paddled to the E, out toward Punta Arena.

This may be one of the best spots on the globe for shore fishing. Blue water butts up against this point sometimes well w/in casting range. 100# yft have been caught from shore here.

I stayed w/in the green water boundary and had some fun inshore fishing. Out in the blue, I was yo-yoing a heavy jig, and from what seemed to be right under my yak, a dorado darted out and hit the jig right at the yak and just swam away lazily. I kept throwing the jig, but no dice. I switched to another rig and tack and threw a crankbait on my bass rig. 3rd cast and I'm on and it's a leaper.

I was so amazed that I hooked it, I forgot I had another rig out bouncing on the bottom. The dorado wrapped the other rig, so I cut it off and tied off the loose end, and continued fighting the dodo on light gear. Back at the yak, several minutes later, the dodo wrapped the other line again, but this time a triggerfish had taken the other jig, so I had to cut that one free. The dorado was GOING to be landed!

Green jack.


Porcupine fish.

The wind had come up and I was 5 miles from home. It was right on the verge of being too ugly to paddle. The wind was quartering from the stbd. and the waves were 2'-4' close-period wind slop, dumping buckets into my lap, over and over. Needless to say it was a brutal paddle. It hurt me.

5 triggers
2 Needlefish
3 Porcupinefish
1 Dorado
2 Green jack
1 Ladyfish

Saw sea turtles, manta rays, roosterfish, African pompano, barred pargo swimming next to me.

9 miles

Beautiful sunrises.

Decided to not fight the wind so I went N again, off Pta Colorada. I slow trolled the inshore with plugs and tossed various lures to well N of the point for nothing more than a small bonito.

I killed it for bait and made 4 bait strips to troll out in the blue. The wind had turned over the water making the inshore cooler and soupier. I made a hard R and went out until I found clean blue water.

Once I found good water I rigged a strip, and tossed it out. I paddled, looking over my shoulder to judge the speed I needed versus the distance out the strip needed to be to make it skip. Well, I couldn't keep straight, and my seat and rocket launcher was making a creaking, groaning noise. Well I never got the strip to skip. The dorado wanted the strips. I went 3-4 on dorado using bonito strips.

1 bonito
3 dorado

6 miles

Saw a pod of 4 sperm whales.

The resort

I hit the wall. I had a hard time motivating after the full-speed beat-down I received over the last 3 days, so I stayed in-shore and fished close. It was windier in the AM, so it was ok to stay close. No regrets at all for the easy day.

1 Green jack
3 Triggerfish
1 puffer
3 Needlefish
1 Porcupinefish

4 miles

4 days down, 2 to go. Already I'm ahead. I booked the trip with extra days that I would concede to wind. I figured 4 out of 6 fish days would be a safe bet. But there's only 2 left, so I better make the best of it.

Out E, toward Pta Arena. Launched at 0600. On the commute out I came across a current break with some odd critters in it. I never got close enough to identify them, but I am pretty sure they were Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola).

Outside the point, I didn't have as good of fishing as when I was out before. Just a bit slower. My turnaround time came and I was well down the point, far from home. I knew the wind would build and every minute drifting down the point was maybe 5+ I would have to paddle against the current and wind. But, about another 200yds down there was some activity out in the blue. I made the call and couldn't help myself to go investigate.

Sidenote: As I launched in the morning, I saw a trawler working out deep. It eventually quit and motored S around the point to anchor up in tighter, in the lee of the point.

Back to the activity. I got closer and I saw it was a current slick, with bunches of dead fish floating in it. It hit me this was probably by-catch shoveled off the deck of that trawler and the odd splashing was still going on in the slick. As I got into the slick I saw that the lazy fish slurping up some of the dead by-catch (small blennies and gobies) were 20-40# yellowfin tuna. They just came up and slurped the dead fish w/o a care. I was 4' away from slow-motion tuna feeding. I threw everything I had, and I got no interest from the tuna. I had not caught a bonito yet that day so I had no strip bait either, so I just watched in awe.

Sierra mack.


9 needlefish (2 kinds)
3 ladyfish
2 bonito (on the commute home)
2 sierra mackerel
1 giant hawkfish
1 trigger
1 porcupinefish

10 miles

Saw free-swimming dorado, flipping manta ray, greyhounding marlin.

Last fish day. Went out to Pta Arena again. Launched at 0600.
Trawler was working again, so I had delusions of tuna. On the way out I even got a couple bonito so I was ready.

But of course, things change. I could not find any evidence, so I just went into fishing the area for the usual inshore stuff and one dorado on a drifted strip of bonito.

A little later the wind and current came together and a click formed at the boundary between green and blue water. I paddled down to it and found it was just a slick with some bubbles; no activity. I floated around and fished for very little. Finally I investigated one of the bubbles that had a bluish tint, thinking it was a by-the-wind sailor. No, it turned out to be a Portuguese Man of War (Blue-bottles in AUS) about 2" long in total. Then I see that nearly all the bubbles in this slick were jellyfish and I'm surrounded in this slick by hundreds of PMOW. I was dumbstruck. I didn't move or paddle out, I just stared at them all around me trying to get a good shot.

That was not a good shot. (I remember Holy Mackerel has a great shot.) But it's hard to shoot a small dangerous target up close, while bobbing on my yak. Anyway I finally decided to get out of there since my ass was sitting in water thanks to the scuppers. As I paddled away 2 popped up in my footwell, thru the scupper. It took a little coaxing to get them back out since the Prowler 15 footwells don't drain very well. I would get them over the scupper using my knife point and start paddling and they would circle the hole like a floater going down the drain and disappear, and I would let up paddling and one would pop back in. It was funny if it wasn't my first experience with these things.

Back to fishing, I stayed out longer since it was my last day, but the afternoon winds were coming up so I took a more N tack before making the leg W back to the beach, to have a better angle.

5 needlefish
1 puffer
4 triggerfish
1 dorado
2 sierra
3 bonito
3 ladyfish
1 porcupinefish

12 miles

Saw dolphins, huge manta ray, jumping marlin.

Back at the beach, I was taking my seat off the yak to get it dry to pack, and I noticed a couple smashed blue jellyfish between my seat and the deck of the yak. YIKES! I developed some narrow puffy welts on my shins, but I never felt anything.

Most of my down time was spent under this palapa (Pic facing N toward Pta Colorada).

Like this, except the ice cold Pacifico was off the shot to the R (pic facing E toward Pta Arena).

Some local wildlife.

My steed for the week and up toward Pta Colorada.

Pinto is top dog, but the local pigs beat him down.

My last night there they had Thanksgiving Dinner for us but we had to catch our own turkey, first. I went hungry.

In conclusion this trip was pretty epic. I had goals, but my goals were lofty, as goals should be. I wanted a big tuna (big being relative, since 5# would be easy to beat) and I wanted a wahoo. I didn't see any 'hoo, but I saw some amazing tuna behavior. The weather was amazing. My arrival day and departure day were both flat and hot, and the 6 days in between were all nice with prohibitive winds only my second day after noon, when I was out at Pta Arena that first time. Even the afternoons were only slightly white-capped, and I have certainly launched in worse here in SoCal.

Thanks for reading. And thanks to CaboJohn for the motivational push and the inspiration for the title.

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Old 11-26-2007, 09:41 AM   #2
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That was a remarkable report, and beautiful pics too. Looks like the trip of a lifetime. All those different species of fish looks amazing. Im a marine bio major so I was giddy looking at your shots of those beautiful fish. Thanks for the report!!!

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Old 11-26-2007, 09:52 AM   #3
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dud killer report sorry u didnt get that yft worst feeling in the world just watching them there & them not hittin anything makes u wanna 2 pull out a huge treble & snag'em
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Old 11-26-2007, 09:57 AM   #4
BRTF...bought & paid...
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Nice write up, and even better, the pics...

Makes me think of one thing while reading that...

That first self portrait, looks like you were the model for this --->

And never, ever listen to Cabo, ya know that man!

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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Old 11-26-2007, 10:09 AM   #5
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Holy shit, it looks like an entire flock of monkeys flew out. Great report, thanks for sharing.
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Old 11-26-2007, 10:22 AM   #6
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Ok, cool...but you still suck big green donkey di*k
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Old 11-26-2007, 10:30 AM   #7
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excellent report. thanks.
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Old 11-26-2007, 10:50 AM   #8
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Nothing like living the dream.
Great picks and an epic report.
Thanks for sharing.
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Old 11-26-2007, 11:01 AM   #9
Jim Sammons LJKF
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Sounds like a great trip, and a lot of paddling.
For reference this photo is the wing tips of Mantas, or other Rays

Pinto is looking much better than in October, he looked like he had been scalped, we had to cut a huge flap of dead skin off his head.

The wan-o-war you can grab with your finger tips, just try to avoid the tentacles. I usually just grab the bubble and pull them out of the boat. IF you do get a tentacle on you you can also grab that with your fingertips, they don't seem to sting through the thicker skin on your fingers.

Can't wait to get back down there in 2008, I'll be there in May July and October again.
Jim Sammons
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Old 11-26-2007, 11:22 AM   #10
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Thanks Jim and everyone, especially Greggo.

I just got an email from a friend saying the same thing about the finning mantas. Cool.

Nice job on the yaks down there. Only thing I would suggest is having 2 flushmounts per yak. I prefer to troll on my R due to limited ROM from a shoulder problem, but the flushmount was on the L. I had my seat with the holders with me but they're not near robust enough for tight drags.
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Old 11-26-2007, 11:39 AM   #11
Jim Sammons LJKF
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I will be adding extra rod holders to the boats on my next trip. I hate to see them sitting on the beach like that. The white one is actually mine.
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Old 11-26-2007, 11:40 AM   #12
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Excellent report, great pics!!!! no need to worry about the monkeys
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Old 11-26-2007, 11:46 AM   #13
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Jim I actually felt bad too, cookin in the baja sun unused like that. I knew you'd shed a tear over the white one.

The place was so empty. I bet no more than 10 people at any one time. Me and Pinto hung.
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Old 11-26-2007, 12:00 PM   #14
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Sounds like a good time and nice vacation. Thanks for the photos and story.
"Never say die"
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Old 11-26-2007, 12:10 PM   #15
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Nice reading and pics. Sounds like a good time.
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Old 11-26-2007, 12:29 PM   #16
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Great report. I gotta get down there someday.
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Old 11-26-2007, 12:46 PM   #17
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Right on Zed,
great photos and report, I almost feel like I was there...luv the pic of yer feet!
You are a true Loco Pescadore fishing baja "solo" from a kayak.


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Old 11-26-2007, 01:24 PM   #18
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Right on Zed,

I do envy your annual epic adventures, thanks for sharing with those less fortunate........I ate a bullseye puffer once and am still here to tell about it.

ssoooooo FUG U!

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Old 11-26-2007, 02:35 PM   #19
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NICE! Thanks for sharing.
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Old 11-26-2007, 02:57 PM   #20
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Well I landed 24 needlefish and I'm still here too, w/o a scratch.
Fugu is what I call them too, in a sushichef accent.

Funny story:
I met a cool couple my age from Salem, OR.
They were out walking on the beach, shore fishing and they were separated down the beach by about a mile out Pta Arena. She catches a halibut about 20" on a small rapala in the "surf". Problem is she's also separated from the pliers. The fish is hooked on the rear treble and only one hook so she figures she can unhook it, but realizes it would be bad to get hooked. Sure enough the 'but flips and embeds the other treble into her palm while still hooked to the 'but. She picks up the 'but so as not to rip her palm and heads out the point to her husband. A little bit into it she figures she's closer to help by going back to the hotel and turns around. All the while she says she's apologizing to and consoling the fish, telling it shes really sorry for this. She was really cute telling the story at dinner. We ate the 'but.

She gets to the hotel, removes the fish, someone gets on a quad to go get her husband and they go the the clinic in La Ribera. Couple stitches and a tetanus shot and she's good to go.

Next day they're out at Pta Arena snorkling, and her husband hauls up the steep sandy beach, rolls over to sit and take off his fins and gets zapped in the finger by a small brown ray. Another trip to La Ribera, another couple stitches, and another tetanus shot. They had a great trip!

Jim S, I think you need to do a thru-paddle: Pta Colorada to Cabo Pulmo (Or just before the reserve).
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