Hi Shawn
Hows life up in Gods country...?
The Double Haul Ball went well...we raised $8,000 for the two kids programs

Lots of interesting info to listen to on surf fishing during the panel discussions and some really great casting instructions at the casting pond.
Picked up a few cool looking flies for the bubble fly set up and the local Bonito and bought a few items and a fly tying vise on the used tackle table...
Got to meet and hang with Nick Coursione the author of many articles and books on salt water fly fishing.
Primetime Seafood supplied the fish tacos and it was some of the best food I've ever had at a fishing event for lunch...Rex and his crew were over the top...

(they supplied the food for the CCA Battle of the Bays Tourneys too)...Big Eye Tuna, Yellowtail and a rice paddy raised farmed fish called Pacu that was so delicious...

If anyone is interested in fly fishing you should definitely attend next year