Lobster hoopers, be careful.
I was at Avalon for the lobster opener.
A local lady who I see every year doing very well told me that last year, warden gave her three tickets for short lobsters.
Here is the weird part---the warden held the lobster upside down with the gage on the carapace.
When the gauge fell off, the warden said it is a short lobster. She asked the warden, where in the regulation shows this method? He said it was his way of doing.
She went to court and got it dismissed.
So be careful about the just legal lobsters.
Another angler friend said that he measured a lobster three times and it seemed legal. Then he put it in a dry bucket. later it measured short!
I keep mine in a floating/sea lion proof bucket in the water. Never had an issue.
On a side note: While waiting to pull the nets, a local approached me and showed me a picture of me and said “isn’t that you?” It was. Then he said that I was famous on the Fish and Wildlife website with millions of views!
I can’t remember all of it, but the caption above my picture read something like---Mahigeer fishing for lobsters on the (Cabrillo Mole), or to that effect.
I was not able to find any mention on the F&W website. If any computer savvy here can find it, please post the link here. Thanks.
I neglected to ask for it from the local.
Last edited by Mahigeer; 09-29-2024 at 09:44 AM.