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Old 05-13-2024, 08:56 AM   #7
We all Stink Sometimes!
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Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: San Diego
Posts: 174
It's been sitting on those French drains for more than 6 years. It's been fine.

I could walk under it, so it was 6'+ a bit. It was *ok*, but I had to move it to put a dog pen underneath it anyways. It was a huge effort to bolt the two wenches up. I used heavy 18" metal construction straps with holes, then used 3" lag bolts to bolt it to the rafters. My kid had to hold it flush to the ceiling, while I got the first 2 lags in there. Yikes. Worked great tho. I can take pics of the wenches if that will help you decide.

Before the Sled idea, I tried a pully / tie off idea someone had on fail. Sled idea was much better, but now the heavy double decker kayak cart is the best. It just takes up space on the ground, but rolls around so easy.

Last edited by Pinhead; 05-13-2024 at 08:58 AM. Reason: better wording....
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