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Old 05-09-2024, 11:58 AM   #3
We all Stink Sometimes!
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Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: San Diego
Posts: 174
I looked into a bunch of ways to store my PA14 out of the way in the garage. I got 2 Harbor Freight electric hoists and bolted them into the rafters. I made a plywood sled-bed with supports, 4' long french drain tubes and securing straps. I placed and secured the PA14 on to it and pressed the hoist buttons to haul it up to the ceiling. It was a decent solution, but the kayak was too low for my needs.

Next, I made a heavy double decker kayak cart, for my PA14 on top and my wife's Passport. I made it out of 4x4 corner posts, 2x4 runners, plywood deck and screwed 3.5" 4' french drain tube runners for my PA to sit on. They are thinner walled tubes, so they are not perfectly round when my PA14 is sitting on top, which I think is fine.

My PA14 is a 2014, 10yrs old, and I've checked the underside quite a few times. No deformation, no hull cracks etc....all is good. The entire rack stays in my garage and has Harbor Freight rolling casters. It's great. There's a few guys that have YouTube vids on their carts, which I watched a few times and developed my design.

Fyi....It's best not to load your kayak up with weight when it is on the tubes, just to error on the side of caution.

Also, not a good idea to leave it on the ground in the garage with the fat wheels in the scuppers either. It can stress the scuppers and cause cracks.

Good luck, post a pic if you can of what you build up.
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