Thread: Fred Hall Show
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Old 02-21-2024, 12:13 PM   #10
We all Stink Sometimes!
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Posts: 174
I went to Bart Hall Show on Thursday at Noon. My buddy and I saw the whole show and were out by 2PM.....spendy for only 2 hours. It's not what it used to be.

I didn't see any *Bins O Deals, Grab Bags, trash cans with Rods* nor any Fish Finder vendors, or MC Swimbaits ;( .... but I managed a good deal on a blem LX Raptor at Turners tho, and Owner Hooks, buy 2, get 1 pack free, but that was about it.

I noticed a lot of ski boats this time, but ignored them to drool over the fishing boats.

My buddy and I have been to both Long Beach and Del Mar over the years, but will likely skip Bart Hall altogether next year and just go to PCS. I've heard good things.
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