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Old 02-10-2024, 06:11 AM   #18
Sea Hunter
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Going to add...

A battery on and off switch to the trolling motor, It's to easy to bump it on....and wrap a fishing line when not in use....I have already experienced that using my down rigger ball totally wrapping my prop with at least 100ys of 65lb braid, i didn't even know it was on, lucky i didn't blow a 50 amp fuse
I had to take my prop off on the water 💧
Now I have a knott in my team Daiwa combo after untangling it at home and splicing it back in.
I hate feeling a knot in the guides. I'm thinking I can just swap ends on the reel and never feel it and have new line again 🙃
Duke Mitchell

Last edited by MITCHELL; 02-10-2024 at 09:15 AM.
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