Thread: DP - 01-14-2024
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Old 01-15-2024, 03:05 PM   #1
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DP - 01-14-2024

A couple of friends and I hit Dana Point Sunday. Chilly, wind from the east, wind waves minimal, swells on the low side and high tide. Eventually the wind died down completely and the water was glassy.

Unfortunately the really good bait we've been getting from the receivers has ended, at least for now. We ended up with some larger dines that must have just been loaded as they were in bad shape.

Fishing wasn't much better, hit a few areas outside, not even a nibble. Ended the day in the harbor with a tank of half dead dines. I caught one short halibut, as did one of my friends, the other got a spotty and that was it.
So long and thanks for all the fish...
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