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Old 12-28-2023, 02:06 PM   #3
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 421
These are just alibaba kayaks. If you order enough, they will put whatever name you want on them and ship you a container full out of China. Good luck getting parts or service. I'd also say that companies like this take sales away from innovators as they just build crappy versions of the originals. If you don't buy from the innovators, they lose incentive to invest in new ideas and the whole industry goes stale. I think we're all seeing a bit of that right now. If you care about a quality product and American innovation, get a Hobie, Old Town, Vibe, Native, Jackson, Wilderness systems. Point is there's plenty of options that don't undercut the US economy and give you a better product and if the price of these new is too high, get a used one. The market is probably fairly saturated and I'd bet there's a bunch of people who got new kayaks for Christmas and are unloading their old one's right now.
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