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Old 10-25-2023, 08:47 AM   #2
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Posts: 533

There are a few locations that have deep canyons that allow for rockfishing (out of newport beach is one), but finding a good rock pile out there is very difficult.

I would say that you have a better shot at chasing calicos, sandies, sculpin, and maybe even sand dabs. the dabs can be a far paddle depending on where you are trying to fish, but the other species can all be found in shallower water with kelp around. There is also the option for halibut as they kind of move into the shallower areas this time. Cabrillo beach and dana point are good options.

I haven't been to LJ in years and I heard a lot of the kelp has been demolished. That being said, there is still plenty of rocky structure for some fishing.
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