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Old 08-04-2023, 12:16 PM   #1
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Dana Point - 08-02-2023

Well, took a friend's son and son-in-law out on the 17. Kind of inexperienced so stayed close to the harbor. Bait guys had a choice of anchovies or sardines, I elected for the anchovies. I wanted the kids to at least catch something and sardines take a lot of finesse to get a hook up. Took them around various locations, some outside, some inside. They did pretty well after a few misses, got some short barracuda, four decent corbina, several small WSB (they were on the rampage, must have just released them), a few bass of various species, a halibut (close but no cigar) and an angel shark. Wind picked way up in the afternoon so I called it. Pretty good day for a couple of beginners.
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So long and thanks for all the fish...
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