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Old 03-13-2023, 03:06 PM   #8
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Another report..

I hit up DP yesterday, for the first time ever, at least for me, there wasn't anyone manning the bait receiver. I waited around for about 45 minutes thinking he was getting something to eat, but no show, and I didn't see the boat they use either. Oh well, I brought a sabiki I keep in the box so I figured I'd head out and see if I could catch a mackerel or two. No go there, but in that attempt I did get a sculpin and a short sand bass. The wind picked up a lot and it got rough so in I went.

On a side note, the water was cold and real dirty. And the water was acting weird, there where areas where the chop was bad and a few yards away it was a better, kind of like there was something intercepting the chop to some degree. There was also a green streak in the water running pretty much on top of the pipeline. Strange things going on out there...
So long and thanks for all the fish...
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