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Old 03-03-2023, 07:58 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by kirkdavis View Post
Maybe I'm not looking in the right place, but I can't find anyone complaining about the new groundfish regulations. I have read it multiple times and come up with the same answer every time: FOR THE SOUTHERN AREA WE CAN ONLY HARVEST GROUNDFISH FROM APRIL 1 TO SEPTEMBER 15 IN WATER LESS THAN 300 FT. They just keep nibbling away at our rights to fish. I am a true believer in conservation of our natural resources, but our government is making way too many decisions based on the squeeky wheels rather than honest science.
I urge everyone to read the new regs. To me it is very confusing to have SO MANY regulations. Soon we'll only be able to keep mackerel.
I'm not sure what source you're reading, but as I read the groundfish regs, take is allowed 4/1 to 9/15 at any depth. Take on nearshore RF is closed 9/16-3/31, take on shelf and slope RF is open beyond 300' for 9/16-12/31 and closed 1/1-3/31.

Nearshore RF - Black, Black and Yellow, Blue, Brown, Calico, China, Copper, Gopher, Grass, Kelp, Olive, Quillback RF and Treefish

Shelf RF - Bocaccio, Canary, Chilipepper, Dusky, Flag, Greenblotched, Greenspotted, Greenstriped, Harlequin, Honeycomb, Mexican, Pink, Redstripe, Rosethorn, Rosy, Shortbelly, Silvergray, Speckled, Squarespot, Starry, Stripetail, Tiger, Verm, Widow and Yellowtial RF

Slope RF - Aurora, Bank, Blackgill, Darkblotched, Redbanded, Rougheye, Sharpchin, Shortraker, Splitnose and Yellowmouth RF

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