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Old 02-15-2023, 03:58 AM   #2
Sea Hunter
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As I read your post I'm thinking 🤔......

Originally Posted by Roc View Post
Tried to get onto the sport just before covid, but had to kick it into high gear at work for the last couple years and now finding time to get back at it. Looking for others that dont wanna go out alone near LA. Please message if interested.
Thanks guys and tight lines!
Back....and 4 guys come to mind I met at the launch with nothing planned.
and fished with for the day, I consider them friends.
What I'm trying to say is go and usually some ones there and you can ask them if you can tag along, I would certainly say yes mate. Just keep a distance so lines don't tangle. Sometimes pre planed trips fall through and your stuck waiting at the launch. One guy I fished with we always wound up separated going our own ways.
Good luck I'm pretty much retired from kayak fishing unless I move.
Duke Mitchell
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