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Old 01-30-2023, 10:29 AM   #2
We all Stink Sometimes!
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Posts: 174
Completely DO NOT AGREE! ....not a fan of bigger government, more regulation. There is too much special interest driving and manipulating US already.

Don't be fooled.....this 30 by 2030 is a just another catchy-stylish phase and a total ruse by the environmentalists, to chip away further at our fishing rights, using Climate Change and Environmentalism to eventually get us ALL off the water. And it's going to cost US in CA, $768 MILLION Bucks. WHY ?

And like any government program managed by government, it will grow. 30 by 2030, then 40 by 2040 and 90 by 2050.

A SOLUTION IS IN PLACE TODAY - CA Fish & Game has been managing Fish & Game thru Regulation, Limits, Tags, Stamps and quota's. We are paying their salaries thru our taxes....let them do their job and keep the government and environmentalists OUT of our lives.

CA environmentalists are trying to get us off the water now, by closing the pipelines and pricing us out of gasoline, diesel fuel and using CARB, California Air Resources Board, against US. They are going after the low-hanging fruit, CA Sportfishing Industry, by forcing the sportfishing industry, to convert to all electric boat motors, which is virtually impossible by the timeline they are forcing. Many older sportfishing boats cannot be converted as they are too old and the electric motor technology does not exist today and won't in 5 years. It will close the sportfishing industry as a whole, which accomplishes their goal.

If they are successful at the 30 by 2030 Ban, they WILL then go after a complete Lead Ban for fishing tackle. They tried it before and it failed. As proven with their anti-gun legislation process machine in Sacramento, they keep resubmitting the same failed legislation until they are finally successful at getting it passed.

Give them an inch, they will take a mile.....3 Examples:

Example#1 - In the late 1990's, I watched the introduction of the first Lead Ban in an area just North of Bakersfield. The proposed ban was based on No Science, only stating the CA Condors were dying, as they were ingesting lead bullets from deer carcasses, which hunters shot. Fish & Game had No documented cases of 1 dead CA Condor, only emotional *facts*, pushed in by the environmentalists. They were point-blank asked if their goal was to grow this Lead Ban across the rest of the state of CA, and they said No, we just want to save them. Within a few short years, 2004, their plan was approved and the next phase was launched and approved by CA legislature to a Statewide Lead Ban, which phased out the use of lead in all types of hunting ammunition, which completed in 2019.

Here's a link to the CA Lead Ban Timeline:

Example#2 - MLPA's - Back when the Environmentalists were pushing MLPA's, they tried to close both La Jolla and Pt. Loma kelp beds and make them off limits to all private and sportfishing, which would have dried up the 1/2 & 3/4 day fishing trips out of all landings. Again, their *science* was emotional, but it didn't matter, as they were successful closing La Jolla kelp beds. Fortunately, they were unsuccessful closing Pt. Loma as the Sportfishing community came in with Data, which proved a large percentage of the landings would close, resulting in job losses and significant economic impacts to San Diego. Shortly after the La Jolla MLPA was approved, it was then expanded to gather more Non-Fishing area. And they will go after closing Pt. Loma again, its just a matter of time.

Example #3: Mountain Lion Hunting Closure 30 years ago. No science, no data, just an emotional plea by the Environmentalists and CA Voters fell for it. Now mountain lions have no fear of man and are roaming our neighborhoods, eating our pets and risking our children in our own backyards. Additionally decimating the deer and turkey population in San Diego.

Follow-up - CA Closed off Bobcat hunting 2 years ago. No science, no data, just an emotional closure, bill signed by Gavin, promoting "animal welfare" and "fighting animal cruelty." What's next ? Deer, Turkey, Ducks, Quail etc...??? No hunting ???

I'm sick of this my soapbox.
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