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Old 11-15-2022, 03:40 AM   #14
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Tip clarification

The tip in the middle (similar to the one you used) is the style I prefer. The other two are the type I described in my earlier post.

The flaw with the tips on the ends is that one's line can get damaged on the wire support while on the middle tip, there is nothing to snag the line if it rolls off the back side of the rod. The top rod in the photo is a slow pitch jigging rod that was given to me. Imagine jigging in 600ft of water with 14lb braid, and having the line caught on the back side as a large fish hits -- no bueno.

Originally Posted by MITCHELL View Post
With out flexcoat it shows all the flaws that flexcoat hides my colors, that purple and gold is a high school thing
I like the high school colors over the other ones. A little time on the grinder will help with getting the guide feet smoothed out so that the wrapping will go easier. The under wraps look ok. Regarding the overwrap - Maybe you made it deliberately that way, but IMHO, it would look nicer if the threads were smoothed out by rubbing a round dowel or pencil over them. Flexcoat can be tempermental stuff -- Good luck.
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