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Old 09-26-2022, 09:50 AM   #8
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 421
Last July I was off LJ point maybe 1/2 a mile in front of the condo, I saw something subsurface pushing a bit of water and chucked a stick bait at it thinking it could be yellows. As I reeled in, a fin popped up. I'm thinking cool I'm about to hook a baby mako but the fin kept getting bigger I quickly got my lure clear as soon as I realized how big it could be and a second later a white shark that was bigger than my outback maybe up to 15 feet slid broadside along my kayak in the clear water and out behind me. I started yelling for my buddies "shark! giant fucking shark!" they were too far ahead to help if anything happened. I calmed my self and said if it was gonna strike it would have and just decided to sit and wait and not move and give it a reason. A few seconds late I hear movement behind me, it was the massive tail of this shark stirring the surface as it turned and took off in the opposite direction.

At this point I was shook, but waited 30 seconds to make sure it had left and then went to catch up with my buddies who had all grouped up ahead. As I pedaled towards them, white water exploded in front of me and I just started screaming like I was about to be eaten in Jurassic Park. It was just a seal haha. I checked my pants and caught up to the group. As I was telling them what happened, a large splash came up behind me and I nearly lost my shit again. This time a dolphin. About 30 minutes later and with a bit of perspective, I was back to fishing and we stayed out for a few more hours.

I realized, that shark wasn't looking for me and if it were, I'd never see it coming because it would breach attack. Still had me going for a bit and one day, I just may get hit but there's really not much I can do about it.
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