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Old 08-02-2022, 02:20 PM   #10
Sea Hunter
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I would gladly fill my freezer

With a marlin and pay to have it vacuum packed
If I could not fill it with tuna or yellow tail ect.
Ate my first marlin in 1972 and all through the 70s and 80s it was in the freezer growing up as a teenager, like a deer 🦌 for some, meat for the winter. Over seas commercial fishing is what is hurting the population.
They can be a problem wahoo fishing, when they come in in packs and take over. I think we released 25 on the boat I was on. I broke two off not wanting to keep them one spooled a 25n penn fathom and I had to thumb the spool and snap the line right at the ring and leave it with a 18in wire leader and hook. The other i made jump until it broke off. They put on a hell of a show, every where under the boat. I see why they say get welded rings and not stamped rings. I like stripped marlin grilled with thousand island dressing. And smoked is good to. Marlin is a dry fish I bet chefs could make a killer wet sauce to go with it.
Being a game fish your not supposed to commercial fish
But I guess it does not apply to foreign countries because there docks are full of them.
Ps chest freezer turned off eating chicken quarters, pork blade steaks, store bought canned albacore and going easy on the beef..wish I had me a marlin in the freezer.
Duke Mitchell

Last edited by MITCHELL; 08-02-2022 at 02:53 PM.
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