Alrighttttt.. I think we have locked down a time frame... Mid to Late September..
just need to lock down a venue..
Rossman has graciously offered us camping on his property in Asuncion BUT it's a 12.5 hour drive from the Border so we could stop over in San Quintin at the Old Mill and Don Eddies maybe hit the estuaries for some Halibut the next morning then head south after? September is pelagic season for this area as to why he offered us his home court which will be respected without a doubt..
We can hit Bahia Los Angeles with a stop over in Puertocitos/Campo La Polma..
Like i said, late september likely a week leave Sunday/Monday the 18th or 19th and come back Sun/Mon the 25th or 26th
Votes now!

i'm kosher with either but traveling down south on the pacific side sounds pretty awesome.. will start a new thread once we decide on venue... SO WHO IS IN?