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Old 05-31-2022, 08:58 AM   #3
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Here are comments and information posted by some knowledgeable members on Website.

“I did my research and found that they are pyrosomes aka sea pickles. Interesting creatures. There were tons of them around the mole that day.

Oh god not the pyrosomes again, looks like we're in for another year of whack water conditions.

Just looked them up. Too bad they aren't edible.

They are not, most of their weight is water, making them poor food sources for baitfish and whales. At the same time pyrosomes grow and reproduce incredibly quickly, and when the water is warm or there is weak upwelling, they can quickly outcompete other plankton by either eating them or starving them out. Normally they are limited by cold water temperatures, but with the 2015 "Blob" and other drastic oceanographic changes, they have been able to expand all the way up into Alaska.

So their presence is an indication of warm water?

Not necessarily. They are just still here from previous warm years. This year’s water temps are actually the closest to historical averages that we have had in almost a decade.”

As to Turkey trip, I was there in 2013 and miss my relatives, the food and of course the fishing. Thanks for well wishes.
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