Gabe, i've never been further south of San Quintin but I am game to get down south further every time.. I got my tacoma now so would love to get her down as i had previoulsy only traveled in my 2014 honda civic 2 door with a roof rack

Whats the best time of year to fish those lagoons? Honestly its kinda a now or wait game after next month its just too damn hot down there... stop over in San Quintin one night and float for the halibut there for sure too.. I could be game to take two weeks off late next month, or wait till it cools down till Septemberish.. do it old school like mako did it and everyone takes turns making dinner or everyman for himself im not opposed to either way.. Let me know we can iron stuff out here then when things get rolling a bit more start a new thread to confirm others down to convoy..