Baja Convoy/October on the Fly
Maybe its the Anthony Bourdain biopic or me just missing Mako and his constant invites to the unknown..
Anyone know a forum or facebook page specifically veered towards Baja Kayak Fishing; ran by Americans primarily really i'm just looking for people to convoy with down South on fishing trips.. Power in numbers as they say.. I want to hit Bahia LA, Mag Bay.. and of course Gonzaga just am unwilling to travel on my own with my Tacoma and gear..
Anyone interested in reviving October On the Fly? I still need to cross a Rooster off my list.. We could do it old school style everyone takes turns cooking for the group; maybe Clementina and the restraunt would be open like old times or we could just be like Kai and pack the smoker :P
"A Reel expert can Tackle anything  "
~Malibu Stealth-14
~Malibu X-13
Last edited by stevie951; 05-09-2022 at 08:13 PM.