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Old 05-02-2022, 04:29 PM   #4
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
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There was some plankton slick and then there were area that did not have anything on the surface, but the water was caca brown. I did not notice any smell. I though that it might be a red tide but it was in smaller areas. I just got back from LJ, I went again today and the surf at sunrise had some big set mixed in like Saturday. I did not see that brown water today and spent 1/2 the time north of the pier and fished Torrey Pines and west of the Cove. Made 7 large Greenback and metered some individual marks, but got no hits. Wind got up a little and had very large roller early, which layed down by 10:30. I saw a story that in Cancun they are having a huge problem with an algae on the beaches and it's so much they have to use Heavy Equipment and it smells.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )
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