Thread: Jumper
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Old 02-26-2022, 08:49 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Carmel Valley
Posts: 10

I was out for a PM session at LJ shores two weekends ago on my Parker 1800 with my daughter. Saw some whales, then all of a sudden a huge pod of dolphins showed up right in the middle of us at the point in about 150’ of water, with tons of birds in tow chasing bait. And of course as I am trying to untangle the only tangle of the day, my daughter starts yelling that there are fish jumping out of the water about 200 yards from us! I check it out and sure enough looked like a fairly nice sized homeguard doing 4 or 5 surface leaps, pretty amazing! Of course by the time I got my gear untangled, it was all over. I guess that’s why you gotta have a ton of backup gear ready to go for any occasion. Anyway, not a kayak report per se, but thought you might appreciate it anyway. Managed to snap one picture, which I had to zoom in on … Name:  5C4F1821-8323-4982-8C30-49A30B2727BF.jpg
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Last edited by Clickityclack; 02-26-2022 at 01:02 PM.
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