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Old 11-12-2021, 02:52 AM   #10
Sea Hunter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Where ever I may roam where I lay my head I call home.
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I'm sure if BWE gets a new app....

Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr View Post
Thanks Tak

Thank you Quang, someday I want to power my kayak so that I can cover more areas like your doing with the Solo Skiff. With a subscription to SeaTow and a bigger VHF antenna, I might even try the gulf stream for

Thanks Duke. LOL, I stopped posting catches on FB and Instagram about 2yrs ago.
It will have a like 👍 button it's saves you time in having to make a comment and let's you know you have friends in a ocean of silence peeps. As far as Facebook go's mine is closed to the public...what's the point so people you don't even know can spy Take your inventory and size you up...them idiot's at the top pulling strings some how thing were all suppose to be connected...
Your friends are not my friends and the closest people to me are not on my Facebook. You ever heard the term your showing to many cards being said two sides to a coin why should you let the other side of the coin 👀 see yours and yes I'm single and I like it...better than sitting in a bar....especially when you don't drink alcohol anymore.
Duke Mitchell

Last edited by MITCHELL; 11-12-2021 at 03:44 AM.
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