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Old 11-07-2021, 10:33 PM   #3
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Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
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[QUOTE=daperrin;315940]Are there any places off limits to kayak fishing between Dana Point and Newport? I heard something on the news yesterday that some places still had a ban on fishing but not sure who it applied to. Thinking about fishing DP this coming weekend. Thanks![/QUOTE

Unfortunately, it's all pretty much closed from just North of Huntington Harbor all the way to just South of the San Onofre domes and 6 miles offshore. This is the latest update I know of:
With the most important line referring to the reopening being: "Based on current lab projections, the earliest the fisheries closures could be lifted is late November, assuming analyzed [seafood] samples are below the threshold level of concern. "

The CDFW's Twitter page has the most accessible information:

The CDFW has a dedicated Spill Response twitter account as well:

Here's the map of the currently closed fishery(last amendment on 10-7-21):

For info the Seafood Sampling process, here's the link they shared:

Hope this info is helpful. I've been keeping an eye on this every day, and I know I'm not the only one!
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