Thread: Oil spill
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Old 10-22-2021, 01:05 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
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So I've been trying to keep track of the local fishery closure due to the oil spill to find dates or estimates for when it might be reopened. While information is sometimes scattered, it seems the CDFW's Twitter page has the most accessible information:

Also, the CDFW has a dedicated Spill Response twitter account as well:

Here's the map of the currently closed fishery(last amendment on 10-7-21):

This is the latest update I could find from the CDFW:
"Fisheries Closure Update: Onshore seafood sampling underway & offshore testing to start within 2 weeks. Data will be used to evaluate seafood safety for fisheries in areas affected by the spill. The CDFW director will reopen upon recommendation by @OEHHA"

For info the Seafood Sampling process, here's the link they shared:

Unfortunately, the only bit of info pertaining to a timeline for reopening our fishery is this sentence: "Because PAH levels in mollusks may not reach their highest level for some weeks after a spill, testing is usually repeated until it is clear that PAH levels are stable or declining. When PAH levels are below the “level of concern” and no longer increasing, then OEHHA will recommend that a fishery be re-opened."

This "Some weeks" timeframe would explain why they are just starting the testing process "within 2 weeks" of the 10/16. They're not clear on exactly when the sampling and testing would begin or how long it might take. Someone asked for an ETA on the reopening on the Twitter post on 10/18 and that post is still unanswered as of today.

I'm no expert in oil-spill seafood sampling/testing nor am I an expert in government processes. I just wanted to share the info I had found regarding this issue. If anyone with any additional knowledge has any insights or nuggets of information to share, I'm sure I'm not the only one that would like to hear them. Like all of us, I just want to know when I can get back out there to wet some lines or drop some hoops.
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