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Old 10-16-2021, 07:59 AM   #4
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Got Rolled...

I recently had an experience I wouldn't have thought would ever happen off Doheny beach. Had a huge wave come in over a reef, was pretty far away from it and the waves were breaking a good distance out from where I was and weren't that big. That wave rolled over the reef and kept building. Tried to get through it but it flipped the PA17, which promptly filled with water but still floated. Was about 1/4 mile from shore so I swam the kayak back in. Lost all the fishing gear, camera, radio and when I hit the surf, snapped off the Bixby drive shaft, the 180 drive, lost the other drive somewhere, and bent the frame of one of the seats. I'm still finding gravel and sand in the kayak.
So long and thanks for all the fish...
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