Anyone that’s been launching in Redondo at the hand launch dock in the last month or so has probably had to deal with the kayak or inflatable that was chained up on the may have seen the floats from this same poacher in the harbor...I’d had enough of this fool today, so I pulled up one of his floats and found this trap...
I called CALTIP and talked to a lady in Sacramento and reported the poaching to her...
I didn’t think I get such a quick response from our local Warden Lyford...he’s been trying to catch this guy for a while so he was happy to have some fresh info and a photo and a license number for the poachers vehicle...
About 6pm this evening I got a follow up call from the Redondo Harbor Patrol thanking me for helping them apprehend this Bozo...the DFW wrote him a few citations and confiscated his boat...

On a side note...
The Redondo music festival has taken up most of the parking lot and launching is a my advice is to stay away till next Wednesday or Thursday once they’ve wrapped up all the tents and stages and fencing