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East Cape trip 7/27/2021 long with pictures.
After the not-so-good experience that I had on the boat in Alaska, I decided to join the crew of Stoked On Fishing (SOF) at their fan trip in East Cape Baja, Mexico. At least I knew some of the anglers there.
I actually fished with the same angler who was at the 2018 Cedros Island and 2020 Alaska trip.
I took my now regular airline, Alaska Air Lines. Using my rewards point the cost of round trip was really reasonable, so I could even upgrade my seat location.
I knew it would be hot from the weather reports. Not my favorite, but I had some tricks up my sleeves.
Hope you like the report below as a travel guide with some fishing included.
Tuesday July 27, 2021
The line at the airport for various stops was non-existence. My Sentri card helped me by-pass the regular line.
The officer at the X-ray machine asked if the 16 oz. sinker for speed trolling for wahoo was for fishing?
When I said yes, he said ok to take them on the plane.
However, the security at the Cabo did not allow it. I was not about to argue with them. Especially with the language barrier.
I should have left them with the captain, but he had not used one before. New gadgets are not easily accepted by older captains.
Oh well $30.00 down the drain. Along with another $30.00 for shock leader that is now useless.
1-Waiting to get on board.

Arrived at the San Jose Del Cabo International airport at 4:00 PM local time. As the heat of the Baja hit me when I exited the airport,
I realized what hot means. The only free item during the trip was the use of luggage carts. Thank you Cabo.
I located the hotel driver and we got on our way. I was the only passenger. The large Toyota van was comfortable and cool.
The driver spoke decent English and we had a good chat making the 45-60 min. drive seem shorter.
The road was smooth and mostly straight. I was surprised how green the area was. They had not had rain for a long time.
After checking in to my room, I saw some of my group at the pool side. It was good to see old friends.
Each morning the anglers met at the patio for breakfast, and night at 7:30 PM for dinner. We had sandwiches at lunch on the boat.
2-Our view from the restaurant patio.

3-His name in Jimmy. You might have seen him catching fish on Stoked On Fishing (SOF) TV shows.
He entertained us with his singing and guitar playing at dinner times.

He is a character. Fun to be around.
4-Everynight we were presented with this board with different menu on it.
If you were not on the package, you paid as indicated.
Our food was included.

5-Part of the 17 people which were the Stoked On Fishing fan trip, at dinner time.

Some anglers had brought their wives who did not fish.
6-One night we had this stake called “cowboy stake”. Delicious. Worth the extra $6.00 that cost us.

7-The first night at dinner gathering, I noticed that we had a same shirt on. Two complete strangers dressed alike.

Every night the manager of the fishing fleet would come around and take our order for lunch on the boat for the next day.
It was very limited menu, but it included some sort of cookie, an apple and a bag of chips. Drinks as water, beer or soft drinks.
Wednesday July 28, 2021
First day of fishing and I was late to breakfast due to miss-hap with my phone alarm.
One of the anglers who was supposed to be with us, went with Shea of SOF instead. That left three on the cabin cruiser.
There were two fighting seats on the boat, so me and another angler had somewhat comfortable seat all day.
When the deck hand opened a shade cover, it was even better.
A big difference than the boats in Alaska.
8-Where we went to get on the boats each day.

9-First day of fishing and we are leaving for the fishing grounds in a cabin cruiser.

Each day we would stop by a panga, which had live bait. $20.00 for live bait. We also got ballyhoo, which the deckhand would
set up on a rod. When a marlin was seen chasing the lures, he would toss the ballyhoo and try to entice the marlin to bite.
10-Some of residences of East Cape, Baja Sur. Sur being south in Spanish.

11-I saw one of the boat’s reel had double line on it.

12-I set up my electric reel in hopes of landing a marlin, wahoo or big tuna.

We got skunked that day. The deck hand tried every lure they had. We had one marlin follow us, but would not bite.
We were back before 4:00 PM and hit the pool and the pool bar until the dinner time.
A lot of people were skunked too, including Shea and his boat companions.
The pool, bar and dinner helped with the disappointment of the day. We had three more days of fishing to make up for it.
Thursday July 29, 2021
This day I was on time for the 6:00 AM breakfast call and left the dock at 7:00 AM.
The captain decided to drive for (2) hrs. to make sure we were on the marline grounds.
Today, I did not set up my electric real. Only my two left handed reels.
We had two out-riggers and four rods setup.
Wouldn’t you know it, a right handed reel went off. I used the holder on the fighting seat and reeled in the fish.
Not having to hold the rod was a big help, since the reels were single speed.
13-I landed this marlin, but in the rush to let it go, I did not get behind fish for proper picture.

The same rod went off again later which meant the lure was effective. However, while trying to de-hook the second marlin,
deck hand lost the lure.
Another angler did the same mistake in holding the fish, but the third one did it correctly. Learning from our mistakes.
14-The deck hand trying to release the marlin in the water. You may notice the green lure.

15-One of the two Mahi Mahi that were kept. Caught by another angler.

16-On the way home from fishing, the “bragging” flags (my term) are put out for all to see.

The top blue is for the marlin. The red below it with the letter “T” indicates…. tagged and released. Of course we did not tag the fish,
but that is the flag for release as well. Yellow flag for Mahi Mahi.
17-Two of my fishing partners. These two made up for the a$$holes in Alaska.

The gentleman in the white, let us fish for marlin the first two days. Paid for bait the first day.
After that we took turn to pay $30.00 each day for some dead ballyhoo and a lots of live bait.
18-The nice fishing partner caught this Jack Travelli which was released.

When we got back to the resort, I borrowed a five-gallon bucket and put some large live bait in it with water.
With a great difficulty due to my heavy gear, the heat and walking on sand, I managed to get in front of the resort and
toss the live bait for roosterfish.
I saw some commotion in the distance, but it was not roosterfish. When I lost the bait and others died, I head back to the room.
19-Some scenery from the resort.

20-Thank god my room was close to pool and on a flat land.

Hard to see here, but going to the office was an uphill hike.
21-During one dinner, Jimmy of SOF had caught some fish (Mahi Mahi and African Pompano). He shared it with all.

Even though I was full with my own dish, I had to try them. Yum, yum.
22-Each morning’s breakfast for me. Later I saw other choices the last day. All looked delicious.

Friday July 30, 2021
Today was off day for fishing. A van was hired to take us to a town on the Pacific side called, Todos Santos (all the saints).
It was a touristic town with lots of restaurants and shops. It was also known for a famous hotel.
23-Some pictures of town Todos Santos.

24-This is supposed to be the famous Hotel California of the famous song.

25-We stopped by a local church too.

26-We stopped here for lunch.

27-We had a show and tell on how-to make great margaritas.

28-On the way home, on the road, we saw rock slides and a flooded passage due to rain that had come while we were in town.

We were back by 5:00 PM and hit the pool. Later dinner at the patio as usual.
The resort had many palm trees some with fruit.
29-This one was next to my room.

30-My room was cozy with a comfortable bed.

The A/C unit on the wall was very efficient and was on for the duration, day and night.
Each room had chairs on the outside along with many having a hammock tied to trees.
31-The only outlet in the room that I could reach. Next time a multi-plug will travel with me.

Saturday July 31, 2021
Back to the fishing schedule as normal. I caught an African Pompano and had it fillet to share at dinner next night.
A friend lost a marlin that was not hooked yet. Sorry no picture.
32-This beat up front loader was used to put boat trailers in the water, as well as a dock unit with wheels.

33-This dock would be wheeled in water in the morning, and removed from water at sunset.

34-On Saturday night we had a surprise. A romantic dinner on the sand with music.

35-The hard working bar and kitchen staff.

36-Sitting is an angler from Colorado. Next is one of the three sons who owns the resort.
He was hired by the angler for the duration as fishing guide. Apparently he was an excellent guide.

I had a good time talking to the angler, who happen to be British.
37-Note water temp of 81 degrees. I also saw temp of 87 degrees at one time. This is the temp of sea of Cortez (Gulf of California).

Sunday August 1, 2021
38-The last day we were upgraded to a better boat. More comfortable seating, but no fighting seats.

39-More scenery of East Cape.

We stopped in front of a jetty and saw a lot of chase by roosterfish. We used live bait and the deckhand chummed with live bait.
We had several bait that were partially scratched at the tail. One came back with head only.
I think next time a halibut rig that has a stinger hook on the tail would be effective.
40-I finally caught my roosterfish.

41-One of our anglers has the rod that marlin had taken its lure.

42-You may be able see the fish behind the orange lure.

43-On the way home we had the bragging flag up once more. Size is not a factor.

44-Someone with a sense of humor had set this up. I fell for it the first day. When it had not moved for a week, I got curious.

The hotel had arranged for us to take the Covid test there instead of the airport. At $56.00 it was worth it for me not to deal with it at
the airport. We received the report on Monday. All Negative.
However, I had trouble with some app. required to be filled on the phone and no Sentri priority.
I had really a hard time dealing with airport personal and the crowd from Cabo.
Monday August 2, 2021
45-Last day breakfast with the crew.

Due to mistaken print on SOF website, I was scheduled to go back on Tuesday rather than Monday like others.
Since there was no boat fishing on Monday, I spent the early morning and the sunset throwing lure from the dock.
You could say I was pier fishing.
46-I had taken this lure for rooster fishing from surf.

I saw one roosterfish slowly cursing the shore, but I was showing my lure to an angler, and by the time I made cast it was gone.
47-View of the pool from the pool bar.

The resort sits on a natural mineral spring. All the pool and a large Jacuzzi water were from the spring.
The drinking water was also filtered water of the spring.
48-Needless to say, but I will. Many hours were spent at the pool bar to cool the body and quench the thirst.

Tuesday August 3, 2021
After breakfast and a nice ride to the airport, I got back to reality of traveling. After dealing with Covid monitoring staff, Mexican security, I was finally sitting at a bar waiting for my flight.
I had the most expensive margarita, Guacamole and chips and bottle of water. $34.00. Not kidding.
The plane ride was nice and comfortable. Seat next to me was empty. Drinks free!
I did not bring any fish home.
For a few days, I did not complain about the heat in Los Angeles, but now 78 degree seems uncomfortable.
Glad to be home.
P.S. I am on a “standby” list to go to Cedros Island with SOF at the end of October. Report to follow if I go. Stay tuned to this website.