Thread: Aku Tuna Poke
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Old 07-26-2021, 12:50 PM   #1
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Aku Tuna Poke

Last Sunday I went out with the local kayak fishing club in pursuit of Blackfin Tuna. Although a couple of my friends did get one, Blackfin was not in the cards for me.

King Mackerel and Little Tunnies were. Little Tunnies(frequently referred to as Bonito) are considered junk fish by most Floridians and are usually thrown back or harvested for bait purposes.

Since I missed out on the Blackfin, I dispatched,bleed and gutted a Little Tunny for eating purposes.

The meat is very red compared to other Tuna.

I used Yanni's recipe

I substituted Little Tunny and Tangerines for Skipjack and Passion fruit since both were less available.

I used a large lemon instead of a small one and it turned out a bit waterier.

None the less scrumpalicious! It's a good thing more Floridians have yet to develop a taste for Poke a la Little Tunny, or they would not be so abundant.

Thank you Yanni!
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