Originally Posted by Afran_Abutin
Thanks for the report Stevie. Very cool you got to fish with Morgan. We are hoping for a great trip.
Morgan is one hell of a fisherman, by FAR the most talented and knowledgeable I have ever come across yet had the pleasure to fish with... Shared more than a few pointers, and fishy pieces of tackle... Shoot if you come across him ask him about the day we tried for Benitos... Talk about Nautical.. Pangas loaded, us in full rain gear LOL BUT we turned back, and slayed the Yellows for limits that day right outside the harbor and a little beyond and actually got to Isla B one of the last days weather and crew permitting

Great white shark in the 400+ pound range being schooled on by 500+ Yellows.. The shark swimming along in the shallows about 30 feet in 60 feet of water practically full visibility.. Apparently in defense of their territory YT can and will school on the greats like this so they cant eat, they eventually die cause the yellows school on them for that long of a time bumping and badgering them while driving off all food sources.. this was per the crew... Just crazy to witness along with countless other things you never see.. My go pro dunked the 2nd to last day so I lost everything that wasn't on my phone.. Oh well,, gotta do it again I guess :P
Hope you guys slay them and run into those elusive Hoo