Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr
Well done Mark, Congratulations on a new PB!!  That Solo Skiff gets moving pretty fast. It sure does cover some ground. I am surprised they let you run it with the motor all the way to the beach. The motorized kayaks in my area must have the engines off before reaching the swimming zone.
Thanks John. The Solo Skiff is awesome for chasing down bird action, boils, trolling different speeds or just to have the advantage over wind chop and high winds, all while getting 24 mpg. The normal top speed depends on water surface conditions. On totally flat water it's the slowest, 11.5-13 mph, the best is when it's just small ripples. Then it's skimming on top and goes 13.5-15.5 mph. The fastest I've had it was coming in with following seas (large rollers) from two slight different angles and it was going 17.3 mph and it was a little sketchy cause with the following sea and the different lift angles from the rollers made it be very steering touchy. The La Jolla Shores Launch is City of San Diego designated surf boat launch. So the City also allows the Kayak Rental companies that pay the City a fee to use part of the area and the rest is were you can drive onto the sand and surf launch. The area is maybe 75-80 yards total and that area is NOT a swimming area, but there are almost always tourist not paying attention and wading into the launching/landing area. People are just clueless, they have their eyes open but don't see anything.