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Old 06-07-2021, 11:01 AM   #10
FISH11's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
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Originally Posted by Caseym View Post
I like that yer in a different area proving that these brutes cruise all up n down the coast! You’re loose jig was freaking me out the whole time. Thatd be ugly to catch a swell wrong and be wearing a treble hook alone on the skiff w a fish hanging. 😬. Nice toad!
Thanks. The Tady 45 was hanging, because I had been trolling the live greenback on the right and the Tady 45 on the left, since trolling speed is 1.8-2.5 mph at idle. I saw another jelly fish and stopped to get some video. The braid from both rod started to get around the back of the skiff, so I reeled in the jig and had to get the other line from under the motor and was around my transducer on the rear. I had just grabbed the rod and untangled the braid and put the rod back in the rod holder when the line and clicker started to take off. 1 minute or maybe even 30 seconds earlier and it would have been ugly with the braid very likely braking off. Just shows, what I've been saying the last 3 years, it's become about "being in the right place at the right time".
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )
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