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Old 06-02-2021, 11:57 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Posts: 434
DP: Memorial Day 5-31-21

Launched at baby beach at 6am. Got bait, then worked the high spots around the buoy off the San Juan rocks. Water averaged around 63 out there. Fishing was rough. Marks were minimal. Live bait had almost no action. Large bait was probably the issue. Was able to get a few decent bites and eventually got a 16" sandy with small squid pinned to a yoyo. Caught a fairly new looking kayak anchor too! (I swear, I catch the weirded shit here... I'll just add it to the list I guess)

Headed back to the harbor a bit early and decided to use up the rest of my bait doing some Hail-Mary drifts for halibut while dodging the expected holiday traffic. Ended up getting one which was nice, even though it was short. Was fun to have a small crowd watching from the railing clap and take pictures too lol. Must have gotten wrapped on my line at some point judging by the braid-burn across it's back. Still swam away strong though. Got back to baby beach at around 2pm to a scene that made me think I had been transported to wither La Jolla or Miami Beach. Just chaos and paddleboards all along the shore. Even with the crowded beach and harbor, it was still good to get out there and pull on some fish. Hope you all had a nice Memorial Day too! Much respect to all you veterans and service members out there for making days like this possible.
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