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Old 05-20-2021, 02:51 PM   #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Posts: 434
Cool video! SCI is my "happy place." Buddy and I took his boat out there 2 weeks ago looking for YT. Found some mixed in with the calico, but couldn't get them to bite. Current was basically non-existent, even on the tide swings which made it really tough. Marked some deep on a paddy south of the 14-mile bank, but couldn't get them to come up and they weren't interested in jigs or squid. Saw some bald eagles, caught tons of large-grade calico, a nice sheephead and a large bocaccio, but none of the yellows we were hoping for. Didn't keep anything though. Hope to get out there again next week!
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