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Old 05-19-2021, 06:59 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr View Post
LOL There are some rude boaters in my area. If snagged, some of the yakers will put their reel in free spool to make sure the boater gets the whole spool of line around their prop.
Unfortunately, its not just a kayak to boat thing. The same thing happens when you're in a small boat and a larger boat is in the area. big boats love to wake my 17ft. i love giving them my spool of braid.

That being said, what are you trolling for? halibut versus yt vs sharks can be different. current and trolling speed also play a factor. I would say "troll whatever length make the bait in the strike zone", but we have no idea if its in the strike zone when the FF can't see it.
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