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Old 05-12-2021, 07:22 AM   #3
FISH11's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
Posts: 2,643
If you fished La Jolla or other similar body of water, the Tank pump pick-up tube most likely let in some eel grass. With the tank empty disassemble the (most likely) T-500 pump by depressing the large red tab near the top of the pump (were the wires go into the pump) and rotate the top counter clockwise. That will allow the insert to be removed from the housing and will expose the impeller and shaft. If there is eel grass it will be wrapped on the shaft and it dries out and once hydrated again it starts to make a loud noise. I installed a small piece of stainless steel screen inside the tube at the pickup end and that has almost completely eliminated that from happening again. The screen can't have too fine a mesh or it will plug with kelp particles. Check out sink drain screens at the store and select one with large openings in the mesh. Tight Lines.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )
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