Originally Posted by kirkdavis
I normally launch at Dana Landing. Go around the corner and you go right past the bait barge. I normally go early enough to get outside the bay before sunup. Traffic is not bad this time of year, but keep your head on a swivel. The last 1/4 mile of the channel can get pretty rough, but manageable. To ease the fight against the tide, you can stay to one side or the other in the shallower water where the current isn't so bad. Just stay far enough from the rocks to be safe. once outside, the best bet for pelagics is to turn south. Th kelp beds are 30-60 ft deep, so if you go parallel to them in deeper water. Theres a shelf of sorts that drops off between 90-110 ft all along there. The kelp starts at the north end of Sunset cliffs and goes clear to the end of Point Loma. It can be a long haul. I usually try to catch macs right outside the bay, but it's been hit or miss lately. Good luck if you go. I'm probably headed out there on Saturday. 
SD bay had very sparse macks yesterday, probably the same situation in Mission. just head straight for the bait barge and load up to save some time. have fun!