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Old 12-21-2020, 09:10 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by TJones View Post
Great video too. Camera placement is kinda hindered or blocked though. What do you do with your reels? Do the reels get soaked if mounted on the rods? the outback looked like it performed well. It is better in the surF compared to the old Outback? Those sneaker waves at the end almost cleaned up when you let your guard down. .
Thanks for posting up.
Yeah, I really need to get a taller gopro mount. I kind of put it there because it's the only spot I can really secure it at them moment. It was more of a "Hey, I should totally film this in case I get wrecked" kind of thing than a planned video. And you can definitely see the "Oh shit!" moment when I dig down quick to get past that set! Thought I was safe there for a second!

Most of the reels I have are water "resistant" so I'm okay with them getting splashed a bit and rinsing them off with a bottle of water after the launch and again back on land. I've just kind of resigned myself to the fact that taking them out on the kayak is going to be harsh in general and I'll have to service them way more frequently than when they were just used on the boat. I haven't flipped the yak yet, but I'm assuming being submerged in sandy saltwater would result in me having to service them all as punishment.

And this is my first Outback, so I wouldn't be able to give you a comparison. My last kayak was a Passport 12 and that would have definitely been sketchier getting out. The rounded bow and flatter hull would have been pushed sideways more easily by the whitewater I'm guessing, whereas the Outback just punched right through and out the back. (Maybe THAT'S why it's called the "Outback?")

Last edited by Salty; 12-21-2020 at 09:17 AM.
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