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Old 12-21-2020, 08:56 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr View Post
Glad you made it out without event. Good to see all the rods lashed horizontally just in case. Do you ever pre-rig the mirage drive ready to use, hooked flush to the hull with the bungie? The method employs scissor kicking in shallow until deep enough for full peddle strokes. My paddle is broken down and stored for emergency use in case the mirage fails. Do any West Coaster's use that method, if not what is the reason?
Yeah, I always secure the rods horizontally, even if the surf is small. Not worth the risk and it only takes a minute to put them up once I'm past the breakers.

And I've never personally used that method for 2 reasons. 1- I want to keep as much sand and sandy water out of the drive as possible. and 2- when I eventually do screw up a launch at some point(because it's bound to happen some day) I'd prefer not to have the drive exposed if the kayak is rolling away in shallow water.
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