La Jolla 11-16-2020 Big Fish hookup on the Solo Skiff and........
Sorry the post is a little late, between fishing and issues using the windows software to edit the GoPro9 video, it took several attempt to get video finished. Went out on Monday the 16th and after trolling and drifting I saw nice mark on the FF that where on the bottom so I switched to my Shimano 7' Terez rod with the Avet MXL 2sp reel that had a Carolina type of rig and 6'+ 40 lb fluorocarbon leader with circle hook and a nice greenback mac. After drifting over the marks in 100' of water a couple of times, the rod in the rod holder starts pulling line. I grab the rod wait a couple seconds and engage the lever drag to strike. At that point the fight of trying to gain line begins. I kept having to increase the drag until it was on full. I even put the reel in low gear and sometimes the handle could turn and the drag would just slip. It seemed that every time I thought I gained line it would just pull it back and the marks on the FF would stay near the bottom. After approx. 10 minutes the braid ended up breaking. That's where the Profanity really starts. So if you are offended, sorry, just hit mute. Went back out on Wednesday to try again and although I saw the same marks, I could not get another strike. Next time I hope to have better luck and a little more patience. It did feel good to have such a nice tug of war with a big fish on the Solo Skiff.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids  )